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Mantra: “We should focus our actions, time, and resources on Direct Action, Mutual Aid, and Community Outreach… No War but Class War!”

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[Song: Civil War]

  • 23 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 5th, 2023


  • Glenn Greenwald breaks down the recent Reuters report that revealed how the Pentagon launched a disinformation campaign to discredit the Chinese Sinovac inoculation.

    About Glenn Greenwald:

    Glenn Greenwald is a journalist, constitutional lawyer, and author of four New York Times best-selling books on politics and law. He broke the Snowden leaks in 2013. Greenwald currently hosts a political commentary show for Rumble called “System Update.”

    About SheerPost:

    Born four years ago in the disarray of the pandemic, ScheerPost has matured into an award-winning highly credible top news source on the most important issues of our time at a moment when the once vaunted model of responsible journalism is overwhelmingly the play thing of self-serving billionaires and their corporate scribes. Alternatives of integrity are desperately needed, and we are one of them, proof being that with decidedly limited resources, we have attracted readers from around the world who have viewed our content more than 13 million times. We are honored to have your support to continue doing this work.

  • “We are horrified by this deadly event, which shows once again that nowhere is safe,” said MSF on social media.

    The images out of Rafah on Sunday included videos of tents being engulfed in flames and charred corpses, and one showed a man holding up what appeared to be the body of a small child who had been beheaded. NBC News reported that it “was not able to independently verify the situation on the ground.”

    “This U.S.-backed massacre of civilians is a direct result of the Biden administration’s enduring political and military support for Israel’s genocide in Gaza,” said Nihad Awad, national executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, on Monday. “The Palestinian child shown without a head would still be alive today had our government not offered Israel’s far-right government unceasing support for the slaughter of Palestinian civilians and the ethnic cleansing of Gaza. Those who support genocide are just as guilty as those who drop American-supplied bombs on civilians.”

    As major news outlets like The New York Times and The Washington Post buried the news of the attack under unrelated stories, journalist Mehdi Hasan condemned the silence of the Biden administration and the “U.S. political and media establishments.”

    Jan Egeland, secretary general of the Norwegian Refugee Council, directed ire at European Union leaders who have continued to back Israel’s bombardment of Gaza, demanding to know “how many more red lines must be crossed before the E.U. decides to act?”

    “The U.S. government has facilitated this genocide by continuously sending weapons and funding to the Israeli military, despite mass opposition from the American people,” the group added. “We hold the U.S. government, in addition to the Israeli government, responsible for the slaughter of over 36,000 Palestinians, for the siege and starvation of Palestinians in Gaza, and for mass destruction of infrastructure and land. We demand an end to all U.S. funding to the Israeli military now. People of conscience throughout the world are calling for an end to genocide.”

  • Interesting question!

    It seems to also show up in the first episode of American Horror Story: Freak Show [2].

    After thinking a bit on it and reading about it, I would go with neither would go to jail.

    It is better for a criminal to get away with murder than to have an innocent person go to jail for that crime.

    It is better that ten guilty persons escape than that one innocent suffer.

    AKA Blackstone’s ratio

    There are some other possible solutions to the problem, however. You might throw both twins in prison but treat only the guilty one as if he were a convict. When the siblings were released, for example, the good twin would have all the rights of a normal citizen, while the evil twin would have lost the right to vote, be registered as a sex offender, etc. You might even compensate the good twin according to the relevant payout rules for wrongful convictions. (Those who were wrongly incarcerated for a federal crime can get up to $50,000 per year, or $100,000 if they were on death row.)

    All of the above assumes that one twin is unambiguously guilty, and the other is unambiguously innocent. In real life, it’s hard to imagine such a clear-cut case. For example, a jury might be inclined to believe that the “good” twin acted as an accomplice, or perhaps an accessory, to the crime after the fact. This charge would apply if one sibling knew that the other had committed a crime—which seems likely under any circumstances—and that he intentionally provided assistance or comfort to his sibling rather than calling the police at the first opportunity. If the good twin were convicted of an accessory crime in federal court, he’d be subject to at most half the prison term appropriate to his evil brother. In some states, however, it’s legal to harbor a fugitive if that person happens to be your sibling.

    One more way that a “good” twin might be convicted, even if he took no part in the actual committing of the crime: In some states, he might be found guilty of not stopping his brother. Although as a general rule, common-law tradition dictates that you can’t be held accountable for something you didn’t do, 10 states have so-called “duty to rescue” statutes. These require innocent bystanders to call the police or reasonably attempt to aid a victim in distress. (In four of these states, siblings of the offender are exempt from the law.) If one twin tried to stab someone, the other might be expected to grab his arm or drag both of them to the ground. The penalty for failing to rescue is usually a fine, though some jurisdictions allow for up to a year in prison.

    [1] Source:

    I believe that within our Constitutional framework, the only thing to be done in this situation is to release the conjoined twins. Even if the jury sentenced the conjoined twins to death, the court would have to commute the sentence and release the twins. The guarantees of due process under the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments prohibit punishing an innocent actor.

    He asks the important question: “Which do we hold higher, the punishment of an innocent life or freeing a guilty one?”

    [2] Source:

  • Many have spoken of this for a while, moslty seen yt videos on subject.

    Notable one is Richard Wolff, another is Chris Hedges, but his show got canceled again for talking against status quo, hopefully he goes independent!

    Thanks for sharing!

    I did not recognize source:

    Deutsche Welle (DW) is Germany’s international broadcaster and one of the most successful international media outlets. We provide impartial news and information, giving people worldwide the opportunity to form their own opinions, assess issues of local and global significance and participate in social debates as active and informed citizens.