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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 4th, 2023

  • Sponsors pay more upfront. If creators are only using sponsors than their whole back catalogue is basically valueless. If it costs a creator 2-10 cents a month to host a video (based off S3 pricing), but they only made 1000$ on it upfront when the video was made, overtime the back catalogue becomes a pretty significant financial burden if it’s not being monetized

    Also it’s worth keeping in mind that many people are also using tools to autoskip sponsor spots, and the only leverage creators have for being paid by sponsors are viewership numbers.

    Patreon is irrelevant, that’s just like Nebula, floatplane etc, it’s essentially a subscription based alternative to YouTube.

    Discoverability is pointless if the people discovering you aren’t going to financial contribute. It’s the age old “why don’t you work for me for free, the exposure I provide will make it worth your time”, that hasn’t been true before and likely isn’t here. Creators aren’t looking to work for free (at least not the ones creating the high quality content we’re used to today)

  • This isn’t completely true, but it is the current standard.

    A website can detect and block many user/password attempts from the same IP and block IPs that are suspicious.

    Websites can detect elivated login fails across many IPs are react accordingly (It may be reasonable to block all logins for a time if they detect an attack like this)

    I’m sure there are other strategies, I don’t know how often they are actually employed, but I wish companies would start taking this sort of attack more seriously (even if it’s not at all hacking)

  • I work on an ARM Mac, it’s fine. If you’re just doing light work on it, it works great! Like any other similarly priced laptop would.

    Under load, or doing work outside what it is tuned for, it doesn’t perform spectacularly.

    It’s a fine laptop, the battery life is usually great. But as soon as you need to use the x86 translation layer, performance tanks, battery drains, it’s not a great time.

    Things are getting better, and for a light user, It works great, but I’m much more excited about modern x86 laptop processors for the time being.

  • This is where I think you have a skewed picture of reality.

    In North America 20% of people live in rural areas.

    As much as I wish that was “vast majority” it isn’t.

    Your simple view of public transit doesn’t line up with the realities in North America. I wish it did, but it doesn’t. And unfortunately your uninformed arguments are the fuel actual opponents of public transit use to justify their position.

    It doesn’t help the cause to spread uninformed arguments

  • You’re suggesting that teams and EVs solve the same problems. But they don’t.

    EVs replace ICE vehicles. Public transit replace cars in areas that are dense enough to make them viable.

    The reason public transit isn’t everywhere because they are expensive to build and maintain.

    Yes build them, but suggesting that teams and trains are a replacement for EVs today is completely false and is only hurting your argument overall.