“Before going into beta” is HIGHLY optimistic lol
“Before going into beta” is HIGHLY optimistic lol
Microwave Watt?? Converts cooking instructions to whatever your actual microwave is (mine’s a shitty 700w beast so I have to add about 50% cooking time to most things). http://www.microwavewatt.com/
Would the Australian (NSW) laws apply here because that’s where it happened? They updated their sexual consent laws not long ago and their easy reader is pretty clear that a kiss is considered part of that. Not sure how it would be charged under the criminal code: https://dcj.nsw.gov.au/documents/children-and-families/family-domestic-and-sexual-violence/domestic-and-sexual-violence-hotlines/dcj_easy_read_sexual_consent_digital_accessible.pdf
Credit to the Australian members of parliament who haven’t let this go: