ugly bag of mostly water

don’t keep sweatin’ what I do 'cause I’m gonna be just fine

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: December 19th, 2023

  • Nobody’s going to want to be around you if you’re volatile and hurtful. And “I can’t help it” is a thin excuse. These are things you absolutely could control, you just have to try.

    You sound young. Get control of yourself and develop some empathy. And while you’re at it, do something about your internalized misogyny. These two passages ought to create some cognitive dissonance for you:

    Women also piss me off more than men do, so I hang out more with them because I feel like they get me and aren’t as bitchy.

    I think women should be the best versions of themselves :) [I believe this is why society is so hard on women as a whole]

  • Oh wow, complete opposite here - I thought Prometheus was hot garbage.

    “Hey everybody, let’s just remove our helmets in this totally unvetted environment, we’re all scientists but trust me, this is supes safe!”

    “Aw look at the little alien snake, so cute, better get real close!”

    “I’m clearly showing symptoms of exposure to some alien pathogen, but let’s just hide it from the entire crew, including my girlfriend, who I will be fucking.”

    “Oh, a huge ring is rolling toward me and I’m gonna get crushed, better keep running in a straight line!”

    I mean, come on.

  • For a simple example: my mother is Catholic and until Trump came along, a lifelong single-issue Republican voter who always said she would be a Democrat if it weren’t for abortion. She attends church in an extremely progressive, famously LGBTQ-friendly town.

    There’s a transwoman who attends her church (let’s call her Rita). This lady is probably in her mid-50s to mid-60s and has been a fixture at the church for at least 5 years. My mom has been in choir and bible study groups with her for years now. She still just can’t see Rita as a woman. Treats her politely but behind her back refuses to call her “she” and says she’s a “man in a dress”.

    She’s really offended that Rita uses the ladies’ room. I’ve asked her why and she can’t articulate it, she just feels like it’s an invasion of her privacy, because men don’t belong in the ladies’ room. And when I point out that Rita isn’t a man, she just rolls her eyes. I’ve asked her if she’s worried that Rita is in there for predatory purposes and she admits that she doesn’t think Rita intends any harm. I’ve asked her how she’d feel if she were forced to use the men’s room and she says “but that’s different!”

    My mom prides herself in being a moral person, and still can’t manage to get past her bigotry to see Rita as a woman. There are just too many mental blockades against it. But since she thinks she’s so highly moral, she thinks she must be correct in this situation. It excuses her from finding empathy and bettering her attitude toward trans folks.

    My longwinded point is that when people who consider themselves highly moral are bigoted, there’s almost zero chance of getting through to them. And I think a lot of the people who are bigoted against trans folks feel that morality is on their side and being trans is morally deviant, so they think they’re justified in their prejudice.

  • When I was growing up, I had some family in LA & San Diego. One year when we visited them we ended up going to both Disneyland and SeaWorld. This was the late '80s or very early '90s and not a huge deal, I think it was just something to do to keep us kids busy. I know Disneyland isn’t “the” Disney that everyone talks about so maybe I’m missing something but Disneyland was sorta underwhelming. I wasn’t huge into Disney stuff anyway but I remember being kind of bored.

    When we visited in 1997 we went to Universal Studios Hollywood. They had an attraction where you could get photographed in front of a blue screen and edited into a scene from Star Trek - they had uniforms and props and everything. I loved TNG and was so stoked to wear a command uniform and hold a tricorder. My uncle Ira was appalled that I chose TNG over TOS…I can still hear him saying “but that’s not real Star Trek!”

  • Assuming a healthy, loving relationship:


    • You always have someone in your corner. Someone who will stand next to you and face whatever comes. Someone who will listen to your fears and anxieties, and reassure you. Someone who can take one look at your face and know that you need a hug, or a tickle monster attack, or a cup of tea.

    • You have someone who considers you vital to their happiness. You’re the person in their corner. You get to love, support, and nurture them just as they do for you.

    • You have a built-in partner for things like camping, traveling, going to trivia night at the local bar. Someone who will bring you a beer when you’re too lazy to get up from the couch. Someone who you can make smile just by bringing them coffee in bed.

    • You can be yourself! They love you just the way you are, you lil weirdo.

    • The stability that comes from a relationship with mutual respect, cooperation, and negotiation is really comforting.


    • You lose some spontaneity for doing things solo, because you need to check with your partner to make sure you don’t already have plans.

    • Sometimes you have to hide snack foods if you hope to get your fair share. We have a drawer in our fridge that didn’t get much use. I started squirreling away cans of sparkling water in there because if I didn’t hide them, they’d all be gone by the time I decided I wanted one.

    • You can get into a rut, but neither one tries to change it on the assumption that the other one is happy that way.

    • Sometimes they toot in bed 😡