• 1 Post
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 11th, 2023


  • It’s like rebrands.

    Most rebrands occur because the average marketing person is pretty average and “rebrand” looks good on your CV.

    A couple of million later, half way through, customers hate the new brand and the marketing people who started it have already left for greener pastures

    Redesigning a perfectly good design that everyone is used to allows you to put “designed Netflix user interface” on your CV, and since management has to spend a ton of money on it, suddenly your team is worth something

  • I disagree unless the tests are reasonably high level.

    Half the time the thing you’re testing is so poorly defined that the only way to tighten that definition is to iterate.

    In this sense, you’re wasting time writing tests until you’ve iterated enough to have something worth testing.

    At that point, a couple of regression tests offer the biggest bang for buck so you can sanity check things are still working when you move on to another function and forget all about this one

  • Well, we have one group of people saying “the treaty means this”. And we have another group of people saying “no, the treaty means this”.

    Which group is right? Currently it’s impossible to tell, because they’ve interpreted parts of the treaty in different ways. And there is some precedent in case law thanks to Waitangi tribunal rulings.

    Clarifying the principles removes the ambiguity and makes it clear for everyone.

    I understand the opposition though, Maori stand to lose a bunch of Maori-specific things they fought long and hard for if it’s decided that actually all citizens of New Zealand have the same rights and duties under NZ law