just a sad trans girl looking for laugh-out-louds

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 15th, 2023


  • As another comment said, I also dropped everything and read the article. So yeah I guess that’d mean Streisand effect is coming into play.

    Regarding the topic at hand: I don’t care what these companies say at this point. The fact is that in the past, I have used their services, clicked the “free” button, did some things, and then ended up having to pay them money.

    Until the day comes that I get a letter in the mail from the government saying, “Here’s how much you paid in taxes, if you’re cool with that then please disregard”, I will not be satisfied.

  • As far as I know, I have 2 main allergies: pollen and metals (some metals, not sure which exactly).


    • It feels like my nose is a leaky faucet. It will run and run and I’ll have sneezing fits for hours. If I blow my nose, it makes the inside feel super-dry and itchy, which just kicks off more running and sneezing. So it basically feels pointless to blow my nose at all, and I usually settle for sniffling instead. But if I do that too much, I start getting mini-sinus headaches.
    • Flare-ups. Sometimes I’ll see the plants that trigger it and I’ll start sneezing within 10-20 minutes. Other times I’ll go outside and it’ll start out of nowhere. It’ll last for hours.
    • Meds do not seem to help at all. Maybe they shorten what would be a 6-hour episode into a 3-hour episode but who tf knows. I have yet to find anything that kicks in faster than a couple hours after use.


    • I break out in a highly localized rash. It’s red, bumpy, and itches like mosquito bites.
    • Flare-ups after prolonged contact (several hours) with a metal. It’ll last anywhere from a couple hours to a couple days.
    • No meds. It’s pretty easy to ignore when it flares up, and it’s easy enough to avoid exposure.

  • Imagine the incentives tho. It’s free real estate, but how would they sell it to advertisers? “Here’s some ad space, but we work really hard to make sure users see it as rarely as possible.”

    But if they do manage to sell it, the dev team then has this wacky incentive to trigger BSODs often enough to hit revenue targets, but rarely enough that they don’t drive away their user base. As another commenter put it, cynical and absurd, but… I mean, there’s a universe where it could happen… hopefully it’s not this one.