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Cake day: July 3rd, 2023

  • Lab-grown meat might not have nerve-endings or nerve-endings that connect to nowhere. You will need a brain or spine for the nerves to connect back to for the nervous signals to get recognized and processed before the screaming and “conscious” state of the brain can potentially exist.

    So in essense, the lab-grown meat will just be like tissue cultures kept artificially alive but not a living organism.

  • I believe pfizer? and some other pharma companies have now admitted to the non-zero risk for blood-clots and fatally-low platelet counts due to the vaccine. We still do not understand the full long-term impact of the vaccines. We need to stop the vaccine rollout and study the long-term and wider population effects now so that if in 10 or 20 or 30 years down the line if we start seeing people developing abnormal long-term systemic chronic effects due to the vaccines, we now have a MASSIVE study-patient-base available.

    Medicine has to be RESPONSIBLY applied and while vaccinations are necessary they still have to be studied to death to ensure their safety and efficacy.

    Private corporations DO NOT GET A FREE PASS.

  • Shouldn’t every Russian “soldier” or “military personnel” be defecting by the millions to Ukraine ? I mean if the Ukraine-Russia War finally resolves, either Ukraine will be a EU AND NATO Member !!! Or Russia will shrink politically and economically ( military likely the first to get thrown under the bus if Russia loses) even a Russian victory now will be a extremely pyrrhic lose-lose situation further isolating Russia.

    I cant imagine if Russia sends WOMEN to the front-lines in ANY capacity. Women will seek to surrender to Ukrainian forces and Russia will start to decline by population. You cannot create an Army without women participating. If you remove even 5% of Russian women, the war will be lost before you fire bullets.

  • Jon Stewart isnt Republican but Republican voters fully understand and agree with many of his viewpoints.

    It is possible to have reasonable conversations and discussions with people regardless of their political views.

    The question becomes what does the Democratic Party have to do enough to convince people to trust and vote for them ?

    A simple example would be the multiple rigging of the Democratic nominee against Bernie Sanders, while RNC does exactly the same kinds of rigging, DNC tried to make themselves seem holier-than-thou and did the exact same things as the RNC.

    Guess why so many voters don’t truly believe in elections and “hate”-vote for Drumpf ???

    Have good policies and reasonable expectations while keeping almost as many election campaign promises as possible. RNC delivered on their promises by strutting out strawman shit like “Build-the-Wall” … their real purpose was to defund the support networks for immigrants.

    Where is the Dream-Act that guarantees citizenship after Military service ??? If the DNC can’t even do their most basic levels of campaign promises, everything sucks and Drumpf wins.

    “Evil triumphs when good men do nothing”

  • I can guarantee that a Rooftop Terrace garden cuts down almost 40% to 60% heat ever reaching the ceiling. If you have enough cover with smaller plants under larger bushes/shrubs/small trees then there will be a cool breeze around the terrace, provide nesting places for small birds and animals, a pocket of nature in an otherwise concrete heat jungle.

    The problem is who can afford to maintain the Terrace garden is the bigger challenge. Constantly checking soil, composting, watering, maintenance and just time+expense is usually beyond a lot of folks.

  • Obama is a Centrist-Democrat. Right-wingers AGREED with his policies enough that all they complained about was how much melanin his clothes lacked and lack of head protection. That meant the policies and actions were favorable to Right-wing nuts :-( Cancelling student debt, bailing out families in need, reinforcing the Social-Security, VA, CDC, EPA, FDA and making Roe-Wade into law ( along with the ACA ) in so many ways were sidelined and ignored while 2008 taught the lessons that werent learnt, 2019 hit so hard and so fast nothing could have been effective at stopping the long plunge into the depths.

    Centrists do nothing except maintain the status-quo while silently allowing everything that failed to stay broken, while the next cycle of things to break happens over and over again until that deep dark pit becomes the new reality.