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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023

  • Both tburkhol and I posted about Coon Chicken Inn – a place for white people BY white people with a denigrating caricature of a black man as their logo (on their delivery vehicles, menu, and even entrances).

    spujb links to the chicken stereotype.

    It is one thing for a group of people to choose what food to serve themselves, and something else when an oppressed group is mocked, denied rights, and then illustrated as liking foods that EVERYONE likes as if those foods are somehow a hilarious thing for them to eat. Side note: Sooo many places serve fried chicken that the only reason it is racist is associations like Coon Chicken Inn (and the racism leading to its creation). Lots of BBQ places in particular serve collards as well as Caribbean spots. Jollof is specifically African (not American). If I see Jollof or Fufu on the menu, I’m hoping for cassava leaves instead of collards, but I understand it isn’t as available in the U.S.

  • You’ve summed up the key take-aways I got from my youthful protests of days gone by. 1) Teach the newbies about the current protest issue and possibly related issues. 2) Recruit. 3) Make contacts. 4) ORGANIZE. Not everyone can lead or organize for an issue, but everyone can be a helper. Your local government officials don’t care about your single voice, but they DO care if you represent a block of voters that are going to vote based on policy X. A petition with a bunch of signatures means more than a single letter, but an organized group with many letters and petitions and phone calls all identifying as voting members of Anti-Fraking-Club (or whatever), which meets every Y days and wants new regulation Z … that will get more attention. It might not be enough to combat the deep pockets on the other side, but enumerating the members of an organized voting block is better than noting some rabble rousers in the streets.

  • If I were trying to get quiet aliens to communicate, I would try to get earthlings to clean up their own mess. I can’t imagine an advanced civilization wanting to bother with the sad tragedy of humanity’s self-destruction. There isn’t a day where some random human isn’t killing another, and there’s usually some government that has organized some mass-kill army operation against another country – or, worse, it’s own people. Even omitting the bloodthirsty, power-hungry, greedy, and liars, the general population can’t get together to work for the common good.

    Maybe we could start by fixing the climate catastrophe, getting the trash out of the ocean, and then getting food and housing to everyone. If I was an alien that’d been avoiding Earth, that’s the sort of thing that would get my attention.

  • Long ago I remember an argument in favor of rule #30 “There are no girls on the internet” which I will paraphrase:

    The internet gives anonymity and if you have something of value to say, it should be able to stand on its own regardless of one’s weight, sex, religion, preferences, location or such. If you have to chime in that you are a girl, then you are either FBI (see rule 29) or looking for attention, but with nothing valuable to add. If you have nothing to add, then we go to rule 31 (show pics of your tits or get out).

    Now, the reality is that such sentiment is sexist and ugly, but there is a general truth to the concept of an idea standing on its own merits regardless of source. Current social pressures lead to the behavior in question in that we’ve been somewhat conditioned to think that a) computers are for boys (this has become far less of a stereotype since smartphones became a thing), and b) veganism is unmanly/stupid (I don’t understand why this still has traction, either, given Arnold Schwarzenegger, Carl Lewis, and a bunch of butch people are vegan).

    rules of the internet (some NSFW)

    SPOILER : 24-34

    These are from an older version on archive.org:

    1. Every repost it always a repost of a repost
    2. Relation to the original topic decreases with every single post
    3. Any topic can easily be turned into something totally unrelated
    4. Always question a person’s sexual prefrences without any real reason
    5. Always question a person’s gender - just incase it’s really a man
    6. In the internet all girls are men and all kids are undercover FBI agents
    7. There are no girls on the internet
    8. TITS or GTFO - the choice is yours
    9. You must have pictures to prove your statements
    10. Lurk more - it’s never enough
    11. There is porn of it, no exceptions

    the list after a decade of changes

  • I won’t say “just” your parents, but that’s not the way the boomers I know do it … except possibly when making a point that someone else is being rude. ‘My’ boomers say, “May we have [x]” or “We’d like [x], please” and when they get said [x] they say “Thank you” or “That’s wonderful.”

    If their request is ignored, they might emphasize that they’ve asked and were ignored by pointedly saying, “Please. Thank you.” – and say it in a curt manner to remind the other that a request has been made and no feedback has been given. Example: “We’d like you to take out the trash.” …(no reply)… (silence)… “Ahem. We’d LIKE YOU TO TAKE OUT THE TRASH, PLEASE. THANK YOU.”