It also goes to show that Signal may actually be worth its salt in regards to security.
It also goes to show that Signal may actually be worth its salt in regards to security.
The first game was cool. Vastly over-promised, but still cool. Fable 2 was mid, at best. Then Fable 3 was just pure dogwater.
I don’t have high hopes for a reboot. If it’s actually done properly, it’ll be a nice surprise. But I refuse to get my hopes up.
I’d argue that is just another example of why delaying games isn’t a bad thing. 2077 clearly wasn’t ready at launch, and would have benefitted from a delayed launch.
Yeah, the Witcher 3 release should have taught the game publishers this. CDPR delayed the launch by several months because the game wasn’t ready to ship yet. And the game was phenomenal, and received rave reviews pretty much across the board. Gamers were disappointed about the launch, but basically went “this game will be worth the wait.”
Yeah, the only feasible way to do satellite warfare without creating a ton of debris is to mechanically attach to an enemy satellite and drop it out of orbit.
Like imagine an autonomous attacker satellite that clamps onto the target satellite, and uses thrusters to drop itself (and the target) into the ocean. Any kind of kinetic weaponry to destroy the target satellite will just end up with a debris cloud around the earth, making future space travel impossible.
But no country wants to invest in satellites just to intentionally drop them out of orbit. Every single attack would be prohibitively expensive when compared to just firing a missile at the satellite.
Holy shit, I had forgotten about SOLDAT. My friends and I used to play that on the library computers in middle school.
IIRC it had a portable version that you could boot from a flash drive. Or at least the installation happened on your local user account, so it didn’t require admin rights from the school IT team.
Also, the old Dungeon Siege games. IIRC, 1 and 2 both had LAN multiplayer, where each person took control of a different character. It was basically the groundwork for the gameplay that Dragon Age Origins built upon.
Even better, wear loose generic clothes like a long black skirt and a baggy long sleeve shirt.
Investigators can narrow down suspects by using security footage to measure things like femur or forearm length. Baggy clothes make this much harder to do, because you can’t see exactly where the joints are. It introduces a lot of reasonable doubt that your defense lawyer can use to tear apart any video evidence they present.
Yup, Voyager feels like the spiritual successor to Apollo. It feels like I never left.
You can disable the streaming completely if you really want to. It’s in your preferences, under the “Online Media Sources” section. You can disable it for only managed users, or disable it completely if you don’t even want access to it via the admin profile. Or just move it farther down the list, or hide it completely by unpinning it as a source.
I had the cold and COVID back-to-back. I felt much worse with the cold. It turned into a chest infection that took about three weeks to get over. And then right as I got over that, I caught COVID. I was just tired with COVID. Like I had a fever and some coughing, but aside from that I was just sleepy.
Joke’s on me though; That was over a year ago, and I still have long COVID. The coughing is gone, but I’m still fucking tired constantly. Doesn’t matter how much sleep I get. Ironically, it means I sleep a lot less, because if I’m going to be tired regardless, why waste the time being asleep?