“Humans are just imperfect crabs.” - @pH3ra@[email protected]

Trying to be the best crab I can.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 25th, 2023


  • pfft no, but we will fulfill our treaty obligations to the 24 million people who don’t deserve china’s bullshit.

    TSMC has kill switches installed already. China would only get a pile of slag if they tried it. and they won’t.

    What China should do is reassess the Treaty of Aigun - does it still really apply, considering today’s russians are neither the soviet block nor the russian empire? The areas in question are overwhelmingly asian in demographics. There’s a whole lot of resources up there just sitting around because russia’s never been able to chew bubble gum and walk at the same time, much less persecute a pointless, losing war while exploiting it’s own resources.

  • no, it’s just that 20-40+ tubes are eliminated DAILY. which is absolutely bonkers. They’re losing a division of artillery every couple weeks.

    you do realize it takes meatsacks to run the guns right?

    and while you may be able to refurb some of the damaged tubes, the meatsacks are gone and you’re going to have to train new ones?

    It’s not like literally all Russian artillery gets destroyed before firing off a single shot. Fuzing absolutely does make a difference

    no, it’s like, mathematically obvious, that literally all russian arty gets destroyed before firing off their second or third salvos, you know, the shots ‘fire for effect’ cover, the ones that matter?

    If you knew squat about field artillery you’d fucking know the first few rounds always require adjustment.

    You’d also understand shoot and scoot. Apparently all these concepts are new to you.

    What a fucking bellend, wannabe redleg pogue