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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: November 16th, 2023


  • As long as they can’t be sent back to fight. Honestly I don’t ever feel good seeing or hearing about Russian troops being killed for the simple fact that I know many of them are conscripts or people scraped out of the bottom of the economic barrel (prisoners, mentally ill etc.).

    I remember seeing a video of a guy who was so drunk he literally walked over into the Ukrainian trenches thinking they were his own. Luckily he was taken prisoner rather than shot, but they literally had to explain to him where he was.

    I wonder sometimes if some of them haven’t also been some of the young people imprisoned for protesting the war at the start, now used as fodder at gun point. Russia has shown no issue with sending their soldiers on suicide missions to test defense lines etc. A body can have “use” to the war machine, whether it’s willing or not.

    The war is righteous for Ukraine and needs to be fought, but I never feel celebratory about the scale of death.