• 436 Posts
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 18th, 2023


  • People forget that the reason Taiwan’s shifted to its current stance has been that the DPP has risen to power on the backs of rampant KMT corruption, not that Taiwanese people are in support of DPP foreign policy. Even so, the past election demonstrated that the majority of Taiwanese really don’t want a DPP government… Unfortunately Lai is still head of state under the FPTP system, so here we are.

    Both the KMT and TPP (which together received a majority of votes and would’ve won the election if not for the coalition negotiations failing to back a combined presidential ticket) support a more moderate stance with China.

    In fact, today it’s the DPP that’s come under fire because of corruption. Recent bills that have passed through the Yuan have seen DPP members stealing bills before reading to avoid anti-corruption language from coming into effect and brawling other parties’ legislators because of opposition. It’s actually quite funny if you ever get the chance to watch proceedings.

  • The Senkaku Islands, also known as the Diaoyu Islands, are claimed by both the PRC and ROC as an island chain under the Yilan County of Taiwan.

    The historical context for this island claim is the most absurd: neither the PRC nor ROC were invited to the San Francisco Peace Treaty talks with Japan. A few months prior, the ROC’s Chiang Kai-Shek had signed the Potsdam Declaration with Allied leaders and explicitly declared which islands Japan could hold sovereignty over (the Senkakus were, notably, excluded). However, de facto sovereignty was overseen by the US until 1972, when the Okinawa Reversion shifted sovereignty to Japan.

    If there is one territorial claim where the PRC and ROC are in the right with, it’s this one… Not the random claims the ROC has with Mongolia, Pakistan, Russia, Bhutan, Myanmar, Afghanistan, or Tajikistan (for which the PRC has negotiated and settled with), but for this attempt by Allied powers to ostracize a weak China and discredit the sacrifice of Chinese lives post-WW2.

  • Nukes are an inevitability following sanctions. North Korea was sanctioned to hell and back by major international players before they developed nukes… At that point, they really might as well go all the way. The same is true for Iran, and the same will be true for any upcoming player with nukes.

    The weaponization of sanctions for political gain rather than to act as a counterbalance against actual world-ending threats will be the death of us.

  • You’re completely forgetting the most important part…

    China has already shown that they’re willing to negotiate (e.g. the Gulf of Tonkin with Vietnam, which was favourable to the Vietnamese).

    With regards to the Paracels, Vietnam holds claims solely as leverage in the Spratlys. Vietnam lacks any control over the Paracels and has not supported American FONOPS through the Paracels for that reason alone. Vietnam knows that their claim to the Spratlys is strong. Vietnam has been escalating their island-building in the Spratlys for that exact reason. From what I can tell, Vietnam is trying to secure partial or total jurisdiction over the Spratlys in exchange for yielding the Paracels. Unfortunately, until Vietnam/China obtain exclusive co-sovereignty in the region, such an agreement is impossible.