20s ADHDer, lesbian, 🌱, she/her

Certified Zoomer.

I use Arch (btw)

Master of jack, trades of all none—or however that saying goes, I don’t remember.


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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • This is the part I messed up

    Oh, that bit! I got confused when I got there so I just put two pink pixels down as ‘flowers’ and left that area. It looks really nice right now :)

    Thanks for figuring out how to wrap the water stream around the kiwi. I didn’t quite know how I was going to get around the “A”, but you found a good spot.

    Currently I’m trying to get the yellow pixel background continuing on the right hand side, but am not sure what to do with the text when it eventually reaches it. I’m up for any ideas?