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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023

  • Your battery drains more the more you activity use the device. Shocking…

    If it is your phone just uninstall those apps, then you cannot use them. If the devices main point is those apps like gaming on the switch what do you expect? I think the only real problem here is the switch’s lack of customizability so you have no trade off between game quality and battery life like you can on something like the steam deck.

  • They do mention it on that page:

    However, if presented with a valid order from a Swiss court involving a case of criminal activity that is against Swiss law, Proton Mail can be compelled to share account metadata (but not message contents or attachments) with law enforcement.

    The only ever claim to encrypt message contents and attachments. And explicitly call out account meta data here as something they can hand over if requested by law enforcement. They also mention they are not good vs targeted and governmental level attacks:

    There are, however, some risks for users facing a strong adversary, such as a government focusing all its resources on a very specific target.

    And explicitly mention they might be compelled to log and give up information like ip adresses:

    if you are breaking Swiss law, a law-abiding company such as Proton Mail can be legally compelled to log your IP address.

  • If they can make it such that you can have a placeholder Sony account that can’t access all PSN features, for the sole purpose to play this and other Sony games on Steam, that anyone in the world can access, that would be an acceptable compromise to me.

    If they did that then what is the point in requiring a login at all… just remove the damned feature that is not required and very few want. We know it is not required as the game has been working fine for months without it. There is zero need for you to need a login for this game. Except that sony wants more user information they can sell to others.

  • Never seen anyone change it for the mouse, but I think for a joystick and especially gyro it is more common to have them different. Same basic principal applies to all three inputs though.

    In first person games the distance you need to move horizontally is often far more then the distance you need to move vertically, quite often only needing to look up/down a small amount. So you can get better accuracy in the vertical direction by turning down the sensitivity without sacrificing the ability to move quickly up and down. But in the horizontal direction being able to move quickly is generally more important than better accuracy.

    Not sure how important the difference is for the mouse though, likely why people don’t use it. But it is an easy setting to split up for the developers so why not give players control over it and set it however they like? Would be nice if you could lock them together, but that is a little more complex and requires more thought to do. And I don’t see game devs giving that much thought about the minor user experience improvements in their games settings when they have a load of gameplay still to worry about.

  • “We had relied and started to rely too much this year on self-checkout in our stores,” Vasos told investors. “We should be using self-checkout as a secondary checkout vehicle, not a primary.”

    That is the key point here. Use them to replace the express lanes but dont replace all checkout points with them.

    they actually increase labor costs thanks to employees who get taken away from their other duties to help customers deal with the confusing and error prone kiosks

    Now that is bullshit… how can it cost more to have someone spend part of their time to help a customer when they have a problem vs having an extra person help them full time during checkout.

    Still, 60% of consumers said they prefer self-checkout as of 2021, presumably because they’ve never seen Terminator (wake up sheeple).

    WTH… I really don’t understand why this person hates them so much. Seems to have some hidden agenda but I cannot for the life of me tell what it is.

  • Theoretically you could build a male to male contraption from multiple adapters and a cable.

    You already can as these exist:

    letting you plug in any existing USB A to mini cables together to get a male to male device - nothing unsafe about that though. So this is not a very good reason to not allow USB C to mini adapters.

    Also you could be providing too much current to a device, however this is specific to the combination of adapter, cable and power supply you use.

    Current is pulled by the device - you cannot supply too much current. Devices take just as much current as they need or as much as the adapter can supply. The only way a device would take more than that is by badly designed or faulty - but that is a problem with the device, if the power supply can supply the power there is no issues on that side.

    Also USB C connectors can and do by default operate with USB 2 power - supplying 5V and limiting the current to the USB 2 standards and so any existing charger with USB A or mini connectors on. Thus any USB 2 device will only have access to the power given by the spec. You would require a handshake from newer USB protocols to get access to more voltage/current that some USB C chargers can supply.

    There is nothing unsafe about any other this baring faulty devices - but if we worried about faulty devices then we would not allow any electronics devices to exist as any of them could be faulty. USB C to USB mini does not dramatically increase any risk of fire or devices exploding no more so than any device using USB mini or USB C alone.

    The real reason is there is likely just not much of a market for them so they are harder to find - but they do exist.

  • I think this is true from the original definition of the word. But decades of one side calling out the other sides propaganda in harsh and negative lighting leaves a negative connotation to the word. Which results in each side avoiding the word for their own messaging and using the word for their opponents messaging. Which further reinforces the negative perception of the word and over decades of people doing this it has left a lot of people thinking it only ever applies to negative or deceptive messaging. And I think this was more impactful in places like the US where there were a lot of political people using the word in a negative way - such as in the big red scare campaign in attacking communist ideas by calling it communist propaganda and similar messaging.

    Which is shown by various comments in this post thinking it only applies to negative or deceptive messaging. So I would argue the meaning of the word has or is still changing - as words naturally do over time due to how people use them. Which I think goes a way to answering the OPs question, some places used the word more negatively which gives the people that live in those areas a more negative view on the word. While others have not and so people there have a more neutral take on the word.

  • a hearing doc won’t be much help with anything aside from hearing

    Irrelevant to my argument. All I mean is because they go to visit someone for one problem can mean they visit other people for other problems they have - rather than ignoring things and staying at home. And I am not claiming what I said to be the actual cause - at least no more than what the study can claim. There could be many other factors at play here as well. My only point is to not confuse causation for correlation and that these types of studies are almost useless in what they tell us.

    Hell, even spurious correlations happen all the time. You cannot use two graphs looking similar to prove any point without a lot of control for all the other variables that might be at play and not go looking at large amounts of data for anything that might seem interesting.

  • “We found that adults with hearing loss who regularly used hearing aids had a 24% lower risk of mortality than those who never wore them,” said Janet Choi, MD, MPH, an otolaryngologist with Keck Medicine and lead researcher of the study. “These results are exciting because they suggest that hearing aids may play a protective role in people’s health and prevent early death.”

    While the study did not examine why hearing aids may help those who need them live longer, Choi points to recent research linking hearing aid use with lowered levels of depression and dementia. She speculates that the improvements in mental health and cognition that come with improved hearing can promote better overall health, which may improve life span.

    This is the classic causation vs correlation problem with these studies. I can also speculate: Did the hearing aid actually do anything at all - or do the people that go to the doctors for a hearing aid also go to the doctors for other problems they might have and so get more treatment for other conditions? That seems far more likely to have a bigger effect IMO.