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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • I’m not focusing on the things that don’t affect me in some way, and I’m still miserable.

    I agree that staying informed is extremely depressing. But what would you have me do, stick my head in the sand and ignore what my government it’s doing? Ignore the growing control and power the rich capitalist ruling class have over us all year by year? Or ignore what the growing fascist powers within my nation and other important places like the USA are doing? Or how the global climate for humans is collapsing and what’s causing it?

    Most of these things directly impact me right now, and will continue to have an even greater impact as time goes on.

    I’m not focusing on news stories that have no impact on me. I don’t care what Elon Musk had for breakfast, what the latest hot celebrity is doing, or what the Royal family is up to. Even so, only focusing on what affects me and my family is a huge, deeply depressing weight that is ever growing.

    I agree, it’s awful. But the world, for all the beauty it also contains, is growing ever more awful day by day. I just can’t find it in me to bury my head in the sand and hope it’ll all turn out fine, so instead I stay informed and stay miserable :-(

    We can’t fight back if we don’t understand our enemy and what they’re doing to us. We can’t make informed decisions about who to vote for, for example, if we don’t follow those political parties and politicians track records, their history of decisions and statements and so on.

    People who ignore the day to day stuff and then show up to do 10 minutes of bullet point blurb research to figure out who to vote for are not likely to gain a clear understanding of the parties or candidates true beliefs and intentions. The same is true for companies, we need to stay informed on what they say, what they actually do, so we can be informed on whether we want to work for them, or use their products and services, etc etc.

    We must stay informed. They want us uninformed so they can manipulate us with ease. Ignorance is bliss, but at what price?

    Anyway, it’s a quandary, and a sad one, I agree for sure 🫂

  • Obinice@lemmy.worldtoTechnology@lemmy.worldPrivacy tool
    1 month ago

    How does this answer the question?

    I’m a little tired of this platform constantly shouting 24/7 about how we should all use Linux all the time, everything else is terrible, etc. Yes Linux is great, I use it a lot, I love it.

    I don’t need it constantly shoved down my throat this way though. I especially don’t need it’s users to act all high and mighty and shame me for daring to still use Windows.

    I know the pros and cons of using both and I use both for various different tasks. When somebody asks a question about Windows, just telling them to switch their entire operating system to Linux without knowing anything about their situation or why they use the OS they use isn’t answering the question, it’s not even trying to answer the question.

    It’s just saying “you’re stupid for using Windows at all for any reason, and I refuse to engage with your actual question or try to help you at all, I’m just here to tell you you’re wrong, your personal life choices are bad and you should do what I do instead”.

    I appreciate how great Linux is, but let’s not try to convert everybody to your way of life at every opportunity. Let people live their own lives and make their own choices, whether you agree with them or not, and if they ask a question, seek to answer it without shoehorning your own agenda in. That’s all I ask <3

  • That’s pretty much the definition of the job of parent. To control everything around the child and how they interact with things.

    It’s not any more difficult than it ever was. For one thing, don’t give kids a smartphone until they’re at least 13, they have no need for one before then.

    Similarly, up to that age, they should be taught how to use a computer and the internet, but only in a closely monitored, safe manner.

    After 13 or there abouts, they are given more freedom and more responsibility to go along with it, and hopefully have been raised well enough to respect that.

    From there, limitations and guide rails will remain in place, be it a traditional curfew in the evening, or a limitation of “screen time”, and if course of what the children interact with online.

    Greater autonomy is earned through positive actions and mutual respect, too. Over time as they approach adulthood you will be able to loosen restrictions and worry less, as the strong person you’ve helped raise will be able to make their own decisions with greater confidence and more positive outcomes.

    Mistakes will be made on all sides along the way, there will be joy, sorrow, anger, love, parenting is a learning experience for all parties, but in the end, if all goes well, you’ll have a well adjusted young adult who isn’t addicted to their mobile phone or any of the apps contained within, who understands the dangers of such things, and how easily addictions and a warping of reality within the mind can set in.

    Eventually you have to let go, let them be adults and make their own decisions, but by then they’ll have this deep understanding of the dangers they face, and that’s the best defence they can have.

    It still might not be enough, but all you can do as a parent is try to prepare them, from then on they have to make their own mistakes, you know?

    Anyway yeah, that’s how I think about it :-)

  • It’s worth noting that you’re looking at conservatives from a USA perspective, which is valid and very informative, it’s just that OP didn’t specify a country, so it might also be worth discussing conservative vs liberal culture in places like Europe too, or perhaps prefacing your wonderfully detailed response with something to clarify that when you’re talking about conservatives, you mean a very specific subset of them (as opposed to, say, the conservatives of the UK, where their political party is itself called the Conservative Party).

    Rock on! :-D