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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Even this method is overreach: who control the database?

    Journalist have a scoop on a US violation of civil rights? Well not if it is important to the CIA who slipped the PDF that was their evidence into the hash pool and had his phone silently rat him out as the one reporting.

    This hands ungodly power to those running that database. It’s blind, and it “only flags the bad things”. Which we all agree CSAM is bad, but I can easily ruin someone inconvenient to me if I was in that position by just ensuring some of his personal and unique photo get into the hash. It’s a one way process, so everyone would just believe definitively that this radical MLK guy is a horrible pedo because we got some images off his phone in a diner.

  • Honestly to avoid the immense botspam coming for small orgs, you need either a literal army of volunteers, or some kind of “realID” type check to verify they’re human, and I hate that concept immensely as well.

    Giant if, but if you could do a one way cryptographic check against an ID to verify its legitimate, without sending anything off the server elsewhere, then a forum could bind your current username to a state issued ID, at least until it’s reissued. And then you could at least reasonably think these users are human.

    But who wants to give that info to a stranger online. Even if the hash is unique to the site based on their own seed, the average person doesn’t understand that, and it feels like handing over your actual privacy.

    Setting aside that PCs don’t have NFC readers as a standard feature as well.

    Everything I think would be effectivd boils down though to needing to know that something exists in meatspace on the other end, and being able to use that to manage your bans. At least 10bux is just money, and not your ID.

  • Not speaking for other places, but America is not made for bikes or pedestrians. It is actively hostile to them in the best cases, and filled with explicit murderous intent in others.

    Drivers will actually, actively, try to hit you for daring to take to the roads. And you have to take the road because we have sparse or missing pedestrian sidewalks.

    I wouldn’t wish biking 3 miles in most American cities on anyone used to a properly designed nation.

  • I advocate for two things, oddly things I never would have in earlier internet:

    • Paid forums. A one time payment for registration.

    • Strict rules and quick bans. But allow offenders to buy back in. Permaban for serious offenses. .

    Why? Because if it costs you $10 or 15 to re-activate after screwing around, you’re much more likely to read the room and not fuck around too much with others. It encourages users to point out bad behavior, and mods to act decisively. If the mods or management totally suck, then it can go sour, but that’s true of any community.

    In this case though it can at least partially help to offset costs from shitty users, and keep bots at bay by making them cost a registration fee.

    I don’t love it as a “solution”, but when Facebook was small, people behaved better. But now people post the most unhinged shit ever under their full legal name, so no amount of daylight is going to put the proverbial trolls back in their cages. Just gotta lock them out of civil spaces.

    You wanna talk about Honda engine tuning here with us? Don’t be a fucking asshole, or get banned.

    You wanna chat with fans of 50s cinema and the rise of modern camera film technique? Do it without brining up woke/trump/biden/Covid or get out.

    I like that we have free stuff like lemmy and reddit for now, but bots are getting far, far worse.

  • This is kind of true but misses the fact that RCS was intended to be a carrier standard, and carriers weren’t going to fucking do it.

    So after almost a decade of carriers docking around, Google fires a shot across the bow and just implements their own version, using their jive backend as a “bypass” of sorts. But like any closed platform, it only works with the same clients.

    They can’t open up their server without some basic agreements so they try to get Samsung inboard. That is a mess of red tape. So they roll out RCS to all messenger clients on newer Android builds and stupidly call it chats or something. When they separately run a product called Google chat.

    Anyways, that’s how we got here. Each company needs to have a RCS relay server now because carriers couldn’t be assed to do their fucking jobs, and now the Apple RCS server will pass your messages to the Google RCS server using a standard… So dumb.

    Its still superior to SMS and is now at least baked into every new android device and on by default, but since it is not using actual radio waves SMS is still going to be possible in areas where data isn’t. So SMS will continue to limp along and exist, because fuck carriers.