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Cake day: June 30th, 2023

  • According to a few Google searches it was a physisict Hugh Everett in the late 50s. I am sure there were others in more meta and philosophical concepts in the past but I get the idea he is the known physicist to come up with it.

    Disclaimer I didn’t read a lot but his name came up a few times and I assume he had a theory that could relate to physics at the time.

    I still like that Flash was probably the first for pop culture, when weird time travel started happening in other shows (after deep into Flash recent series) I started joking it was just Barry messing up crap between the multiverse and time.

  • You think there can only be one god? That sounds limiting. I don’t believe in any, but say does Buddhism really contradict most of Christianity real values? Like be good to people (help the less fortunate) try to let things go to not burden your well being (praying for forgiveness), respect others (do unto others). Besides having to actually believe in a god what’s the difference between the two? Though the Buddhist view I’m thinking of doesn’t require a god either but both seem to have teachings of compassion and love for your fellow person (some restrictions apply when dealing with intolerant types). I’m not saying you shouldn’t have faith but don’t say one has to be wrong.

  • Going back awhile now too for that no install right? Like didn’t PS3 have some installs? My memory is fuzzy on when it exactly started, but yeah it was nice to just pop in the media (cart, disc) and play. That was a great perk of console games, especially rentals,though there was a small time I could rent PC games when I moved to a city in the late 90s. These days I mostly play on PC anyways so always install but it was nice for the first few decades of my gaming to not require it.

  • Would it be that complicated if people knew the lunar cycle, especially since the lunar cycle is fairly static? Not everyone I’m sure but those that needed a better time would probably understand and pass that knowledge along for the night folk. Of course depends when in technology we’re talking but I’d assume we humans understood those cycles pretty early for our survival, not in depth but they got the idea the lunar cycle didn’t change like the seasons did and adjust as needed. I haven’t read up on it so I’ll be glad to hear more info.

  • There are Pathfinder games by Owlcat, that is a round about earlier version of DnD (based on DnD 3.5? But its system is slightly different). I’d say they’re as good of a successor to Baldur’s Gate before BG3 that you’ll get. The settings are similarish but not exactly the same as Baldur’s Gate. I sort of lump in most DnD settings together though, Kingmaker is transforming a land and becoming a ruler, Path (Wrath*) of the Righteous I haven’t played as much to recall the overall setting but definitely has a more other planes feel to it than Kingmaker does.

    *Edited for title correction, thank you commenter that noted it.

  • I’ve done Factorio from vanilla, vanilla plus qol mods, to angels and bobs mods. Something is so satisfying once you get a train network set up, bots doing their thing (think it’s improved but used to be a performance killer with too many) and watching everything just work. I think I was at 400 hours before I even bothered launching a rocket which is where they say you beat the game. Anyone looking for YouTubers check out KatherineOfSky, think she still does them for factorio and is quite nice to watch and learn from. I actually haven’t played in a few years now but have 600ish hours (maybe left it on a few nights running by accident but mostly true hours), great game to figure out logistics, timings and such. Also personally usually played without the biters since I just wanted to build (glad they took out the requirement to kill biters for science) but watching other people build up defenses seems interesting but too stressful for my play.

  • I tried some online stuff (no friends and just casual play) with V and it wasn’t interesting at all to me. Mean the story wasn’t stellar in V but I had enough fun through single player. Hopefully they put at least the same effort in VI’s single player. Though with all the companies wanting more money I bet there’ll be more focus for online from the start this time.