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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • Seriously, why are governments using Microsoft software?

    Don’t give me the nonsense line of “they need support”. There is support for Linux too, and Linux, sorry, works, is reliable and most importantly: a hell of a lot safer than windows. This is example #346269 where Microsoft not only fails to keep windows even remotely safe, but actively sabotaged their customers (in this case the US government) for their own profit.

    And again, “wwheeeyyyrreee sooowwyyyy, pleeeaaasseeee forgif us?” Look! Look! Even our CEO will now be interested in secuwity!

    Seriously I’m so tired of having to read this over and over and he government will just contoi to pump millions over millions into that piece of crap company.

    Switch to Linux already and have computers that you can trust have no known issues that are not being resolved to cover for a few rich assholes!

  • According to Microsoft whistleblower Andrew Harris, Microsoft spent years ignoring a vulnerability while he proposed fixes to the “security nightmare.” Instead, Microsoft feared it might lose its government contract by warning about the bug and allegedly downplayed the problem, choosing profits over security, ProPublica reported.

    And this is exactly the problem. You STILL cannot trust them, fool me once, fool me twice?

    This entire “weeewweeee sowwwyyy” bullshit excuse completely ignored the fact that they purposefully allowed the US government to be attacked because money is their bottom line. If it were a person (and aren’t companies persons now in the US?) they would have been jailed for treason. Jail these assholes already and switch ALL your computers to Linux

  • I very much agree with you that people need to grow thicker skin and learn to listen. This entire ban thing is causing pillarization and polarization in society. Unless that tide turns, I see that ending in a civil war, all will lose.

    However, that thicker skin goes for both sides. Whenever I’m in a more conservative area of the net, I quite quickly get banned for having the wrong opinions. I’m sure the left side started this easybanning but the right side has caught up there.

    Also what is not helping is tht the conservative part of US politics has been taken over by actual extremists, in large part helped by polarizing “news” sources like Fox and oan and the such. These sources have shit to do with news and merely exist to rile their base and make people more resentful of “the left” or whatever that it supposed to be.

    Now you have trump in there as well, he just had a nice public talk with a guy who wants to stone gays to death… What am I even supposed to do with THAT?

    How is anyone supposed to have a normal conversation anymore when everyone immediately jumps to extremes?