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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • And then the occupation continues. How does that solve anything? There will be another resistance group, of course. Israel already was a pain in the ass for Palestinians before October 7th. They don’t see going back to that situation as meaningful progress.

    Nothing about your stance is pragmatic. It doesn’t even make logical sense. It’s cowardice to give in and the rest of the world can go back to ignoring suffering of the Palestinians. Israel is genociding Palestinians and you’re here blaming Hamas??

  • True, but also there’s the more general point about “I support the cause but not the method” naysayers being absolutely counterproductive. Climate protesters are finding themselves cut off from every method of protest, violent or not. Because lots of people want to continue business as usual in peace without those pesky tree huggers complaining about, y’know, the fact we’re already well past the Paris 1.5 °C target with no end in sight

  • AI is a crapshoot, agree. But there has to be more testing before PR disasters like this happen. That isn’t “being my suppliers beta test”, rather sensible project managers not mindlessly putting it out there because the supplier said it worked. Now people are laughing at McDonald’s on top of their cost saving operations being delayed. But I agree overall that AI sucks to replace humans. I’m just criticizing McDonald’s jumping the gun