Children definitely won’t help Ukraine resist, that’s a good point. Women with children can still work, though. Many do, in fact!
/u/outwrangle before everything went to shit in 2020, /u/emma_lazarus for a while after that, now I’m all queermunist!
Children definitely won’t help Ukraine resist, that’s a good point. Women with children can still work, though. Many do, in fact!
Still, women are able to work and contribute to the war ecobomy. Or do they not let women run industrial machines or drive trucks or staff hospitals in Ukraine either?
Ukraine doesn’t seem to give a shit if people are willing, they get forced to fight anyway.
Also, civilians are still useful in war time. Ukraine still has an economy, despite the war. They’re needed to run industrial production, logistical support, distribution, transportation, etc.
Many are children, though, and that definitely doesn’t help Ukraine.
As we all know, women are incapable of fighting. When we fire a gun the recoil breaks all our bones!
You’re right, though, this is really unfair to the refugees. I’m just saying, Russia doesn’t really get anything out of this.
How does deporting people back to Ukraine help Russia? Wouldn’t that just increase their potential to resist?
Except the content of his post also blames the left, which is kind of fucking stupid when the government is undergoing a billionaire coup of the PayPal boys.
Ukrainians can enter. People who cannot be conscripted can exit (women, too old, too disabled, guardians, single fathers, athletes, students etc).
A one way border isn’t exactly open and saying it is is what is grossly misleading.
I understand your position.
But I think, to have open borders, it needs to be much more than a mere majority that are free to cross the border. “Military aged males” are a huge portion of the population, eyeballing it I’m coming up with 1/5th of the entire country.
If millions of people can’t leave, there aren’t open borders.
So the usual plan, then.
It certainly increases the legitimacy of Bitcoin and other crypto assets as investment vehicles, I won’t argue with that.
But the original point seemed to be that these are legitimate currencies, and I just don’t see it.
I’m pretty sure the purpose of Trump’s pivot on Russia is to drive a wedge between Russia and China.
Yes, but even if the US started militarily enforcing bitcoin mining, is the US trying to control the value of Bitcoin, or is it trying to control the value of Bitcoin in USD? Is the US treating bitcoin like a commodity that it needs to control (oil, gas) or like a currency?
Not exactly?
The US uses its military to enforce the US dollar status as the global reserve currency. Libya tried to sell oil outside the US dollar market and look what happened to them.
Unless Trump starts using the military to enforce Bitcoin value it still won’t have the same status as a currency.
Do you think I’m not aware of the reason conscription exists? Ukraine would not be able to fight this war without it, I fully acknowledge that. My argument is, if a country needs conscription to keep fighting, it’s time to stop fighting. If that means Russia takes territory, then that’s what the Ukrainian people have chosen. Their self determination matters too.
Pretty sure the fat meal will just become diarrhea.
“Israel violates ceasefire”
You might not have said you support conscription but you’re arguing pretty hard for it. How about you clear things up! Are you pro-conscription?
Rape by deception is legally recognized. If they would not have consented had they not been deceived, it is rape.
The obvious solution is to not conscript people to die in a war they don’t support.
If you want people to be conscripted so much, you should be snatched off the streets and forced to fight and die for them.
They might be able to contribute more if they diverted the military aid they send to Israel.
They won’t.