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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: July 15th, 2024


  • It’s the other way around for me, wanted to play in Star Wars KotOR setting, one time one guy showed up (but only over voice call), another time my buddy agreed to play.

    Then wrote something in one DM’s setting, only that DM showed up, said the quest was actually cool with good ideas yadda-yadda and mentioned it on another game, and later reused some of the moments in his own ones.

    But me coming to other DMs’ games seems welcomed.

    Was told I had to form my own group and write my own adventures.

    I think they didn’t like you or your way of playing busted something in the quest their DM wrote, or something like that.

  • It’s bloody amazing, here I am, having all my childhood read about 20/80, critical points, Guderian’s heavy points, Tao Te Ching, Sun Zu, all that stuff about key decisions made with human mind being of absolutely overriding importance over what tools can do.

    These morons are sticking “AI”'s exactly where a human mind is superior over anything else at any realistic scale and, of course, could have (were it applied instead of human butt) identified the task at hand which has nothing to do with what “AI”'s can do.

    I mean, half of humanity’s philosophy is about garbage thinking being of negative worth, and non-garbage thinking being precious. In any task. These people are desperately trying to produce garbage thinking with computers as if there weren’t enough of that already.

  • It’s not childish. This is just the appearance because people are not afraid of “stupid” politicians as much as they should be.

    In fact all these changes are consistent and all in one direction.

    Information is power, and all these actions create a system where you can’t avoid being identified and visible in everything you do. Then the people in power, if you somehow threaten that power, may assure that you won’t anymore without any open repression, without jailing you or murdering you or even censoring you. You just won’t get anywhere near visibility or power to affect the world, and it will all seem pretty natural and chaotic, so you won’t even see your path being corrected so that you wouldn’t affect politics.

  • No, but they don’t see those unarmed (uniform counts as “arms” here too) as equal to them. It’s human psychology. Also you may read up on psychology of war crimes and what makes a combatant shoot up a civilian car.

    If you’ve done fencing (be it with rapiers or with carolingian swords as LARPers do), you know the feeling, it’s a very basic instinct.

    The hammer and nail saying also rings right, if you take a hammer and weigh it in your hand, you’ll feel differently. Or an axe. Or a dog’s lead with roulette, try to hold it half a meter from the roulette itself and weigh it, it too feels like a weapon.

    It’s such a cool thought I’ve had this morning. Basic human instincts tell us that for a sane society all free people should bear arms. Not necessarily something fitting to shoot up a school. But means to fight for yourself and resist.