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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • I don’t know about Nvidia specifically, but I mostly only see RSUs offered to Staff/Principal level engineers or Director and above on the management track. Many times with a multi year vestment period to act as a retention tool. You can make out good at the exiting end of the deal.

    IMHO its a shitty practice. There is risk if the C-level pulls some stupid shit tanking the stock. The reward could just as easily be distributed to employees with a profit sharing bonus that eliminates the risk of my options tanking while vesting. Let the employees convert to options if they want to stake on future company performance.

    At least in the US, I could have used the value of my options earlier in life to help with student loans, buying a house, medical issues, having kids, etc. I grew up poor. I “pulled myself up from bootstraps” and am doing well now. I still think the whole system is a dumb gimmick.

  • With UBI, its assumed to be part of a surplus economy is my understanding? Use some of the remaining surplus to pay workers who want a marginally improved quality of life (no billionaires to limit wealth hoarding).

    Offer child care to those who wish to have a career, maintain a community garden, teach part time, etc.

    Optionally or additionally, provide enough funding to allow for passion projects.

    Fund open projects for those who want to work together to push the limits of humanity.

    If I didn’t have to slog and worry about keeping a roof over my family’s head and food on the table, I’d be dedicating all my spare time to space exploration instead of making APIs for some company.

    Overly simple and likely impossible to implement, but there are ways to enable finding a purpose outside of art and culture.

  • Grew up in a religious household with 8 years of private school operated by a religious institution in the states.

    Never really believed and went full atheist around 13 years old.

    Good feelings about something not on the bad list (usually something sexual) they take as a message from god. In other words, if they want something that benefits them, those feelings are used to justify their shit behavior because its some divine touch making them feel that way.

    At least that’s been my experience. I wouldn’t trust them either.

  • You pay for what you use. I have somewhere around 120-140GB and get a bill every 2 months. I think it has to be near a dollar you owe for them to invoice.

    Be mindful of the class A/B/C transactions at the bottom of the page with pricing. I paid about $0.60 when I first set everything up in Class C transactions. I haven’t gone over the free 2500 or whatever they give you since.

    I don’t use it quite like Dropbox with a watch daemon. I have an encrypted local back up I mount with rclone, do my work, then use rclone again to sync to b2 when I unmount it.

    I wouldn’t use to version control some project I’m working on where files change frequently. Those transactions would probably kill the cost savings at some point.

  • For android there is RoundSync. It automatically backs up folders of your choice on a schedule. Not on any app store. It must be installed by downloading the apk from GitHub.

    There is also Cryptomator as an alternative. I used it for years without issue, but prefer rclone for more control over my work stream. Think I paid a one time license of $10 for desktop and another $10 for mobile.

    Dropbox is only a good deal if you use near peak storage and/or do a lot of data transfers.

    I was paying $120/yr for 2TB. Now I’m on B2 Backblaze. On paper Dropbox was cheaper per GB, but with my usage pattern I’m paying like $1.00 every other month.