• 6 Posts
Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: May 6th, 2024


  • I’m not ignoring the suffering of Palestinians - the only way anything can progress however is the complete surrender of Hamas. Israel will just continue the killing until then. Why do you think they’ll suddenly stop without a complete surrender?

    How many Palestinians live in Israel?

    “Approximately 1.8 million Palestinians form around 20.8 per cent of Israel’s population.” Source: https://minorityrights.org/communities/palestinians/

    Is that what Genocide looks like? I think it’s fair to say that their military tactics in Gaza are extreme, we can agree there. But I would also say that dropping bombs on Gaza is a direct result of Hamas’ actions and existence. Hamas cares as little about Palestinians as Israel (actually less I would argue). They have no interest in diplomacy or a two state solution, they’re only interested in the complete destruction of Israel

  • Has that had any effect? Has international pressure ever had any effect on Israel?

    Again, you might HOPE and WISH that the US will put immense pressure on Israel, but like I stated before, we won’t. There are reasons why our leadership will continue to back them.

    So while maybe we can all agree that it would be the best possible scenario, hoping and wishing is far from reality in this situation. Given the facts of reality, the only way this war ends is by Hamas surrendering and returning the hostages

  • Hey I’m a liberal, I’m not trying to make some left-right argument. But what I see, there’s a section of the far left that looks at any situation, determines who is disadvantaged, and takes their side. No matter what.

    If Hamas cared about their civilian population, they would have come to the table already and given Israel what they want (full surrender of all Hamas fighters and leaders, return of all hostages). But they don’t care. Hamas does not deserve any sympathy or leeway here. Not excusing the brutal tactics of Israel either. But the fact is, they see this as a war and children dying as collateral damage in pursuit of victory.

    We should be admonishing both sides, but recognizing that Hamas has the ability to end the death and are unwilling to surrender completely

  • Just because one side is disadvantaged and losing doesn’t mean they deserve your support. Those women and children are dying because Hamas is sheltering among them. If you really want the carnage to stop, you should be pushing for Hamas’ complete surrender and the return of hostages. Otherwise, Israel is just going to keep killing. Is it sad? Is it unjust? Sure, I’d agree with you there. But it’s also a war, and people die in wars. How many German civilians were killed by American/British bomb raids in 1945? How many Japanese civilians were killed when atomic bombs were dropped on them? Unfortunately, war is messy and lots of people die

    Between 300,000–600,000 German civilians and over 200,000 Japanese civilians were killed by allied bombing during the Second World War, most as a result of raids intentionally targeted against civilians themselves.