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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 7th, 2023


  • The best dog I ever had was a pit. Sweet as pie, just wanted to cuddle and love. We chose him because he was a big meaty guy with the most adorable face you’d ever seen, and because he needed a home ASAP. We’d take him on walks and people would cat call him from passing cars, or literally stop us and ask if they could dog-sit. He spent nearly a decade with us, just loving and farting and cuddling and snoring.

    He really didn’t need any help to become a great dog, except that I needed to train him that the cat was a friend and not something to chase and put our mouth on. That took all of a weekend, and that was after he’d been abandoned and abused for half a year before we got him. I know it’s not true for every individual, but many times all a dog really needs a a good home with people that love it.

  • In 2020 I worked for an MSP and we had to fix a broken Windows 2000 machine because it was the only machine that a certain medial office could use to send a receive faxes. They could not afford to upgrade a more modern system, as it necessitate a forklift upgrade of all their systems that would go into the 5-digit dollars. They didn’t have that money and no one could get computers quickly in 2020 so fixing it was the only option. After 20 hours of troubleshooting it got bounced up to me, because managed the team that had to fix it. I went into the office after they closed and everyone was gone, because pandemic. I pulled the machine in question out of the corner of the “server room” (read: poorly ventilated closet) it was in. An old Gateway full ATX tower, it was a sight to behold underneath the dust. Turns out the dust was the problem - it hadn’t been cleaned at any point in the last 20 years and there was a literal quarter inch of dust and lint on top of the motherboard. I cleaned that thing till it sparkled, set up back up and turned it on. Worked PERFECTLY, like nothing had ever been wrong. I was happy, the client was overjoyed and my bosses were happy. Good stuff.

    The PSU blew 7 months later, taking down the motherboard and drives. Paperweight. So we took the full backup we made after I fixed it, turned it into a VM, set up a USB passthrough and gave it a USB fax modem. I left that job a while back, but to my knowledge it’s still working. By the time we had done that we had billed over 30 hours of work to the client at $150/hr. That’s a $4500 Windows 2000 fax server with added VM licensing on top of it. Pretty silly at the end of the day.

  • Ford? If so I feel your pain. The controls for the ventilation in their infotainment system are godawful. The time between input and output is so long that you have to look down to hit the “button” to bring up the ventilation menu, look back to the road while it takes 2 literal seconds for the menu to pop up, then look back down to the diagram of the vents to decide what you want blowing or not blowing, hit the right “buttons” and then wait for the thing to respond and do what you asked. Meanwhile you’ve gone 1/4 mile at highway speeds with your eyes barely on the road.

    What was wrong with a dial with all the possible vent combinations? I want the defroster on and I want hot air on my feet? That’s at 7 o’clock. Just blast my face? 12 noon. It was simple, it worked. It did not require looking away from the road once you were familiar with it.