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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 6th, 2023


  • Thank you, I should have tried that. (I tried /feed - without the .xml). I’m also pretty sure there’s some html meta tag pointing at the feed. I use Feeder on android and it can usually find the feed, even if it has some nonstandard path. EDIT: This is how it looks like in the linked The Thin Computer article linked:

    <link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="The Thin Computer &raquo; Feed" href="https://thin.computer/index.php/feed/" />
    <link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="The Thin Computer &raquo; Comments Feed" href="https://thin.computer/index.php/comments/feed/" />
    <link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="The Thin Computer &raquo; Using Termux on Android for Self Hosting? Yes, really. Comments Feed" href="https://thin.computer/index.php/2024/03/21/using-termux-on-android-for-self-hosting-yes-really/feed/" />

  • I spawn next to some weird tower with a princess on top. I see another three stone towers in the distance. The princess tells me to go shoot one of the stone towers with my shotgun. When walking on the bridge, giant log with iron spikes just appears in the air and start rolling to me. It nearly kills me, but I survive. My happiness don’t last long, because I see old ugly witch spawning near me. Before I can shoot her, she turns me into a pig. Scared and confused, I turn around and run back to safety. Last thing I see is the princess that I thought was my ally, shooting me with her bow. I hate Clash Royale.