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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 25th, 2023


  • Keep this in mind, some places raises will barely cover inflation.

    Now factor in gas and, most importantly, time spent commuting.

    All that on top of effectiveness in working with social interruptions, trips to the coffee machine, bathroom breaks, lunch, etc.

    Any of these businesses that are pushing for on-site are locked into costs from renting space - guarantee it. I get wanting to do the occasional face showing or in person meetings, but they should be concise and few in number - if they’re an efficient shop. Plenty of new blood that get the value of hybrid/remote work.

  • Let’s be clear - this was a disgusting move on behalf of the US. Something that happened under Drumpf, specifically pushed by the military state, and against actual diplomats wishes.

    This, yet again, was stupidity pushed by the toxic burning pit of tires that is the military in the US. Backed by a moron Fascist, that was shutdown when Biden came into office (eventually, after it worked for the most part and became less relevant - go figure. Classic opportunistic, ‘we’re the good guy’ democrats)

    This government is rotten and decaying and its death is expedited by war-hungry militaries. As it appears to be, across the world and nations. We have a human problem on our hands and no amount of “we’re the good guys” will ever solve it. Everyone is complicit in this shit and it’s time we fucking own up to our failures and struggles to actually solve the root of our problems. Enough is enough.

  • I get what you mean, to live under a system which has requirements, means you must meet those requirements.

    However to be stuck in that mindset perpetually is a sickness. There reaches a point where you must say, this is enough. I am comfortable and those that I’m responsible for/care for are provided for when they need it most. We have to stop ourselves and reassess our condition to determine if we’re straying too far. Human psychology has plenty of vulns and desensitization/growing too comfortable is most definitely one of them.

    Greed is a pretty globally held sin in most religions and appears to be a fairly objective vice imo. I think too many people assign value to salary and materialistic things - but the reality is that you may be infinitely more valuable to a smaller company that pays you say 60k max than to a company that’d pay you 100k and could afford more but will just as soon lay you off because they think they can just buy more people. Value != only how much you make