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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 9th, 2023

  • Windows Phone was never given a chance to pan out. There wasn’t space for Windows Phone to force its way on the scene when it finally began to fire on all cylinders as a smartphone OS but they were building a critical mass of loyal users that would have set up Microsoft longterm to successfully exploit the opportunity to when it came.

    It is wild to me that upper management at Microsoft was too dumb to understand that and just killed their perfectly good apparatus for gaining a foothold on the mobile market. Simply put a tech company that large should always be thinking seriously about maintaining a practical entrance to an industry as important to their bottom line as this.

    They are fools and they ultimately threw mud in the face of the small amount of windows phone fans (of which there definitely were loyal fans especially for the great Nokia cameras and extremely focused UI) who could have delivered that initial burst of energy and excitement/growth when the opportunity eventually did come. Thus they have actually sealed and barricaded the door to Microsoft ever EVER being in the mobile space since they betrayed ALL of the early adopter nerds who would have stuck around for the rough beginning.

  • If MS is overinvesting to ride the AI hype as a middle man, while letting their core business capabilities (Windows and Office) decline, they will be in trouble in the long term.

    They aren’t just overinesting in AI, they are foreclosing the future of programming and software design as a prestigious, respectable and valuable career.

    It doesn’t matter if the AI works or not, it just matters that programmers sat there and took it because they thought they were special and the ruling class would never betray their trade.

    Well here we are kids if you want a realistic career that will pay the bills dont follow your heart and go into programming and computers, that is a passionate hobby you shouldnt expect to be highly paid for it. Go into the trades, anywhere else, programming as a career is fucked (and again it has nothing to do with whether AI works or not).

  • First problem, that URL link goes to a dead website for me, which is a major issue given the name of Paint.Net is it’s URL…

    But yeah I mean sure Paint.Net is good in terms of functionality!

    I wouldn’t recommend it over Gimp though, sure Gimp is annoying but Paint.Net is a shovel where as Gimp is a fully featured construction crew with excavators and equipment. Different uses and design goals but the important bit is you can easily ask a construction crew to dig a random hole for you whereas it is much harder to ask a shovel to clear a building site and dig out a pit for a foundation for you… so I tend to recommend familiarizing yourself with Gimp and just skip Paint.Net unless you have a specific need where it fits better.

    Learn Gimp once and use it the rest of your life, shrugs it is the nature of successful Open Source projects like this that after they reach a critical mass of functionality from two decades of development or so there just isn’t a great reason to go with anything else in my opinion (unless you want to drop money on a paid image editor from a company less shitty than Adobe).

    Gimp will be around, being developed and used all over the world long after you are dead. Paint.Net mightttt be if it continues to grow.

  • supersquirrel@sopuli.xyztoWorld News@lemmy.mlMexico's new president!
    1 month ago

    edit ok I was wrong here, I understand what people disagreeing with me are saying

    The top comment on this thread should be an unqualified “Hell yeah!” not speculation over whether she is going to be murdered.

    I am not attacking you, I understand the knee jerk reaction, I am just pointing this out because I think it is true. I also don’t question that you are genuine in your concern, that isn’t what I mean.

    To everyone else on this thread, especially if you are white/European or from the US and are white please don’t joke about the President of Mexico getting assassinated given the history with Mexico and the US (and by extension Europe). It isn’t funny, even when you are being sarcastic.

    Just be happy for Mexico.

  • Their true goal is to erase Palestine period. If you step back and try to take emotion out of your consideration, Israel’s actions don’t support that statement. Israel has enough military power to have completely erased Gaza months ago, without sending in a single ground troop, and there would have been absolutely nothing Hamas could do about it.

    “An estimated 45,000 bombs were dropped during the first 89 days of conflict (Source: Gaza Media Office). It is 505 bombings a day, 21 bombings per hour.

    Gaza is razed and emptied of its inhabitants by 5 months of relentless bombing. 85% of Gaza’s population – 1.7 million people – have been forced to flee bombing and shelling.

    1.5 million have taken shelter in Rafah, South Gaza, that has normally a population of 250,000 inhabitants. “


    ^for a nice update, Israel is now murdering everyone in Rafa too.

    It is crystal clear you don’t know what you are talking about, Israel has dropped a nearly unprecedented amount of bombs on a tiny area and for no other reason than to erase Palestinians from the landscape of their homes.

    It takes a long time to murder an entire city, especially when the world is watching. Israel is doing it as absolutely fast as it can however.

    At least 20 out of 22 hospitals identified by CNN in northern Gaza were damaged or destroyed in the first two months of Israel’s war against Hamas, from October 7 to December 7, according to a review of 45 satellite images and around 400 videos from the ground, as well as interviews with doctors, eyewitnesses and humanitarian organizations. Fourteen were directly hit, based on the evidence collected and verified by CNN and analyzed by experts.

    The World Health Organization (WHO) said on December 21 that no hospitals were functioning in northern Gaza and injured patients who were unable to be moved were “waiting to die.” According to the WHO, as of January 10, six hospitals in the north were partially functioning.

    The International Eye Hospital, in the Tal al-Hawa neighborhood of Gaza City, was damaged in early October. It was no longer standing by October 12, according to satellite imagery.

    Balsam Hospital, in the west of Beit Hanoun, was reduced to rubble by November 3. Craters consistent with 2,000-pound bombs were visible near both medical facilities.


    If you step back and try to take emotion out of your consideration

    No I will not take my emotion out of my consideration, the difference between you and me is that my emotions are a warning light indicator for when my ideologies and beliefs are wrong and I have strayed too far off the course of love and empathy for others. My emotions connect me with the immense amount of suffering happening in the Palestinian genocide, even if it is just a little bit that connection categorically denies adopting a heinous lack of empathy or care for the Palestinians people as you have.

    My emotions are what makes me a wholistic and intellectually consistent person and to be honest it kind of alarms me when people like you seem to have everything backwards like this and treat their emotions as superfluous entities to be discarded in favor of “cold hard rational analysis”.

  • Why the fuck are you assuming destroying Gaza and committing genocide against the Palestines is a requirement for any plan of action?

    Your viewpoint expresses perfectly how insufficient and dangerous blind centrism is.

    I have brought up the very real and needless slaughter of probably 50,000+ (if not double that when including all the murder from unnecessary starvation) innocent women, children and men and all you want to talk about are some scaryyy tunnels. Israel has some of the most advanced tanks in the world, some of the most advanced jets in the world, and in general has a functioning modern combined arms military…. and you are a worried about…

    …some tunnels?

    You are a clown, I keep saying this but looking back history will have no other name for fools like you who have a comic degree of callousness for the lives of Palestinians and refuse to see the mass scale genocide of Palestinians right in front of their eyes because it doesn’t fit their narrative of how the world works.

    You would have been better served remaining entirely ignorant on this topic and simply extending your empathy to Palestinians from purely a standpoint of the fact that they are human beings and deserve care and empathy.

    Instead you learned a bunch of smart concepts and “facts” and loaded them up into your head not realizing they were clearly brain worms that would totally destroy even your basic capacity to feel empathy for other humans.

    Shame on you.

  • You don’t think you’ve blown this out of proportion a tad? Maybe slightly overly emotional about it?

    Unfortunately I haven’t and I feel my complicity growing everyday the machinery of the empire I am within directly enables dropping 2000 pound bombs on innocent, starving people with no access to electricity.

    The most sophisticated fighter aircraft in the world built to out maneuver and defeat sophisticated near peer Russian or Chinese air defense networks are being used as glorified dolly carts to wheel out and dump block clearing 2000 US made bombs…

    …onto a city and refugee camp. They are being used to bomb hospitals one by one.

    A significant number of attacks on healthcare facilities occurred during the Israel-Hamas war. During the first week of the war, there were 94 attacks on health care facilities in Israel and Gaza, killing 29 health care workers and injuring 24.[1] The attacks on healthcare facilities contributed to a severe humanitarian crisis in Gaza.[2] By 30 November, the World Health Organization documented 427 attacks on healthcare in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, resulting in 566 fatalities and 758 injuries.[3] By February 2024, it was reported that “every hospital in Gaza is either damaged, destroyed, or out of service due to lack of fuel.”[4] By April, WHO had verified 906 attacks on healthcare in Gaza, the West Bank, Israel, and Lebanon.[5]


    Go home you hateful clown.

  • Valve is a business, they don’t give a shit about vibes, when Valve gets sold off and it will one day (probably sooner than we expect) none of these “vibes” or “culture” are going to matter one single tiny little bit.

    That is the point of this whole system, we receive assurances up down left right and in every which direction that entities like Valve won’t be ripped up and destroyed by venture capital, private equity, or whatever the fuck the current grift the 1% has us in… and they are empty promises by design.

    A company is not legally defined as the will of its creator/creators, rather the labor and particular genius of a company’s workers is purposefully rationalized into a structure that we are supposed to accept is fundamentally designed to be ripped from our hands brutally because “that is just how the adult world works, shut up and get back to work”.

    Justification of unnecessary violence and destruction is one of the primary products of the system.