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  • 2 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 26th, 2022


  • Yeah, me neither. I’ve liked some horror genre stories, like Clive Barker’s Book(s?) of Blood, Rawhead Rex and all; but I wouldn’t say it was because it made me afraid.

    If I had to hazard a guess, I’d say a lot of people do, or else slasher flicks wouldn’t be so popular. Hell, some years it seems as if that’s the only genre of movies released.

    But, I also loath the cringe inducing reality shows many people love; and I’m so very tired of every show having to be nonstop angst and tension: GoT was the pinnacle of this, and I absolutely hated it. Books and TV. Boardwalk Empire was so frustrating, because it so well written, acted, and produced, but I just can’t stand the unrelieved tension. Obviously, a took of people do, or else there’d be more diversity in media. It’s like, the one tool media writers know how to use, anymore.

    I say all this because I wonder if there’s a correlation: what’s the overlap between people who don’t like being jump-scared or otherwise frightened and the people who don’t like watching people being made uncomfortable (a-la Borat); or constantly bickering (The Kardashians). I love action movies, and a good adventure sci-fi or fantasy, so I’m not adverse to conflict, but I won’t watch Breaking Bad because - while I’m aware it was an excellent series - I also know it’s going to be a non-stop angst-fest, like The Sopranos.

    It’d be an interesting survey. Maybe a list of shows and movies with a simple “enjoy/don’t enjoy”, and secretly ranked by dominant emotional manipulation. Is it an endearing love story tinged with bittersweet? A slasher? A torture-tension (what’s Saw? Not a slasher). See how people are grouped.

  • When I was in the Army, shaving was the bane of my existence. Well, shaving in the field was; I hated it so much. Never enough water, more shit to carry, winters are the worst because getting hot water is hard enough, and shaving with cold water sucks.

    So, like OP, I found hair remover for men, and I’m like, “WTH why do men shave when we have this??”

    The answer is: because these are all noxious chemicals, they feel like noxious chemicals, they smell like noxious chemicals, and they leave your skin raw and red. They really are only useful for guys for whom normal shaving is even worse, usually because of a tendency to ingrown hair problems from shaving. Or maybe there are guys with sandpaper skin; I don’t know. But there’s a reason why men (at least) still shave.

    Someday maybe there will be a depilatory that’s as gentle as it is in sci-fi, but right now it’s just a caustic, irritating hot mess.

    I really feel for OP. :-(

  • As time goes by, you’ll forget more and more, until you lose the ability to speak, object permanence, your mother’s face, and the ability to focus your eyes - at all.

    If there’s any part of you that’s aware of this process, it would be terrible. The worst part about having Alzheimer’s, my father-in-law once told me, was being aware that he used to be more; that he couldn’t remember things, but that he could remember once being able to remember them. I think it was a small blessing when he moved past that stage, and was merely angry and frightened at a world he just couldn’t understand anymore.

    Wait… what were we taking about? Reverse-birth? You know, many civilizations didn’t consider children real people until they were a couple of years old. Before that, they were just dumb animals with some potential; perfectly legal to kill. An adult horse has more self-awareness than a 1 y/o. By the time the doctor’s shoving you back where you came from, you’re barely human anymore.

    I can’t wait to see the angry downvotes on this one.