• 2 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 17th, 2023


  • I do not behave the way I was two years ago, nor do other people, both in private and in public (Where I live, seeing someone wear a facemask has become the exception. Big concerts have been taken place for a while, etc.). Because of that (together with the subject not coming up a lot in news and conversation anymore, masks and rapid tests going on sale, … ), I had come to the conclusion that the situation had generally relaxed. Am I wrong? At the beginning of this, I was anxious another major outbreak would be imminent, but nothing horrible seemed to happen, so I sort of lowered my guard. (Took a test when I had a sore throat or before meeting certain people, sometimes wore a mask when on particularly crowded trains, but otherwise started to live more or less like ‘before’.) Is Covid still a big deal and I sort of missed it?

  • Didn’t know that, but you are right, nobody actually died directly from radiation related causes at Fukushima. However, deaths from circumstances relating to the evacuation of the area are estimated to be in the thousands (source: wikipedia). I find that that somewhat illustrates the extent to which human lives have been impacted. While a plane crash is a personal tragedy for a number of people and relatives, a nuclear accident feels more like a collective catastrophe.

  • Since learning about this, I have decided to keep the game installed on my phone in case something wild happens (I’m thinking after witnessing an accident or something). It is sort of comforting to have a scientifically backed up mental strategy that is easily accessible, even if it’s not a lot. I gather that tetris keeps the part of your brain responsible for looping images occupied with, well, tetris.