Just a bastard roaming around the world

  • 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • Yes, I am being a jerk because GIMP gets routinely thrown around as a Photoshop alternative,which is not. You say I cherry picked a user base, but who are the people that actually pays to use Adobe Cloud? I assure you that they are mostly professionals, because the subscription is expensive.

    Now, the “many people” don’t need Photoshop. In fact, there’s no reason they should even install it. But people say “Photoshop” and hear “GIMP” as alternative, and this should stop because the app is objectively bad. There’s Krita, there’s Photopea, there’s Darkroom, there’s myPaint, there’s even Inkscape. Anything is light years ahead that thing, yet it’s recommended again and again like a sad joke made to inflict pain on its users.

    GIMP is not a good tool. Stop using, stop recommending it.

  • I’ll go against the grain and give you a straight answer.

    Yes. You should leave Israel and never go back.

    You owe nothing to your country. If you have the possibility to live in a good European country, do it. You’re no martyr. You’re not billionaire rich. And unless you’re a really high rank offcial, an important politician, or want to sacrifice your entire life to a cause, you have no reason to waste your short life in pain.

    We’re in a silly blue rock between a billion trillion systems, none of which care about you. Your existence is not even a blimp in the context of the universe. You’re not important at all. So why waste and suffer on behalf of a thing you have absolutely no control? Be happy, be comfortable, and make those around you happy and comfortable.

    Life is pretty hard already, there’s no need to make it harder. Go and be happy.

    Quick addendum: I’m not saying that because its Israel. I’m saying that in the context of any country. You owe nothing to it, a piece of land that you manage to be birthed on by being really lucky or unlucky. If you can rectify that and move to a better country to you, you should do it instead of suffering.