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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • That’s a good take but I gotta say- kids are kids. They WILL slack off, they will goof off, they will use the phones for other things. This isn’t a critique- it’s what kids do.

    If they need tools then a couple ipads or similar can be used. I don’t find the argument “they need to exist with smartphones in society” convincing for school. At work you know you’ll be fired if you’re caught using your phone too much, etc. and slacking off. Kids aren’t under the same pressure as that and quite frankly I wouldn’t expect them to act with that level of maturity as even some adults don’t and they’re older and should be wiser.

    As for the problem of just existing with them? I feel like that is yet another thing that school won’t solve. That is up to their parents, etc. Good habits start at home. Expecting schools to solve all problems (especially ones so entrenched like socioeconomic conditions, poverty, etc.) is half of why we’re here in the first place. But guess what? If the kid is given a tablet or allowed to use a cell phone at the table and basically whenever/wherever they want, do you think their behavior will be different in school? Do you think it’s up to the school to be forcing this? That is yet another ridiculous burden I think we’d put on teachers and staff.

    Moreover, don’t you think we should be conditioning these kids that it’s ok to exist without a phone?

    These kids won’t be worse off without phones. Like you said- the rest of us did just fine without them. Let them have a calculator and computers in computer class and call it a day.

  • Yep. And quite frankly, I don’t understand the hostility. I take my shoes off if they’re clearly dirty (ie. mud, water, etc.) but normal just walking on sidewalk? Why?

    Maybe there is some kind of very trace amount of dirt on there but what difference does it make to my floors? I wear shoes in the house too so if they are dirty, oh well. I guess if you had one person going barefoot and one wearing shoes, maybe that is why you find it odd?

    I also think a lot of people here are very afraid of any dirt. I vacuum weekly and mop biweekly and it seems fine (mostly hardwood here.)

    Like why would my floors need to be spotless? Do people just find it “icky” or what? I have to think there is like a next to zero chance you contract any kind of sickness by just wearing shoes inside your house and “bringing in dirt” so