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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: May 7th, 2024


  • Are you suggesting that this war should be taught in schools as it is happening?

    There’s absolutely no responsible way to do that. The fog of war keeps us from being able to report on this from a historical perspective because there’s little to no way to verify anything as fact.

    Encouraging kids to pay attention to current events, and teaching them relevant lessons from the past is important, but we can’t risk misinforming a whole generation because we couldn’t wait for the smoke to clear before we started committing what we think we know to the history books.

    As for teaching about this conflict in the future, you’re never going to escape the reality that people will feel disconnected the further away they are from the actual event they are learning about.

    You’re either too early to teach verifiable truths, or you’re too late for the truth to feel real.

  • I mean, they accomplished the first part mostly because they are cheap connected speakers, but I have yet to meet anyone who doesn’t absolutely loath their home assistants. Got rid of mine (Both Google and Amazon) not just because they are a privacy nightmare, but because they are completely fucking infuriating to work with.

    The exact same phrase is never guaranteed to have the same results. The assistant hardly ever answers a question right. It routinely takes repeated attempts to get it to control any of my connected lights. It responds to people that weren’t talking to it. I could keep going…

    If they tried charging me for it before I rage quit them, I would have just rage quit sooner.