You have to cut down carbs (rice, breads, ramen, pasta, noodles) and alcohol. If you want to go even further, cut down sugar and milk.
Just another Reddit refugee
You have to cut down carbs (rice, breads, ramen, pasta, noodles) and alcohol. If you want to go even further, cut down sugar and milk.
You can prevent suicide by eating a pizza made with glue ✨✨
Maybe he’s just ahead of our time
Luigi: Someone asked for cancer extermination?
Or sparks fire, considering it’s Tesla
Securing Running the application should be considered the bare minimum.
They also want to doomscroll slop; it’s mindless and mildly entertaining. The same way tabloid newspapers were massively popular before the internet and gossip mags exist despite being utter horseshite. It’s what people want.
The same analogy is applicable to food.
People want to eat fastfood because it’s tasty, easily available and cheap. Healthy food is hard to come by, needs time to prepare and might not always be tasty. We have the concepts of nutrition taught at school and people still want to eat fast-food. We have to do the same thing about social/internet literacy at school and I’m not sure whether that will be enough.
This is the way
I can give, but I’m going to sleep now. Send me a DM.
Let me out! Let me outtt!
As a millennial myself, I have immense respect for “tech boomers”. They walked so that we could run during the 90s tech boom.
I have seen young people not knowing any other directory other than Downloads
and not understanding that there is a filesystem inside their phone.
The file is not in my downloads
Me: Have you checked other directories?
Other directories?
Me: Okay, open your file manager.
What’s a file manager?
Me: Okay, do you have Google Files (an application which I detest but I know is pre-installed in Android phone)
Umm…have to check.
How do you save a picture? Where is Downloads? How do you apply a saved picture as a wallpaper?
These are confusing questions to boomers and Gen Z.
Why not have a simple app which “automatically” does all the hard work (just in exchange of a little of your data)?
How do I delete this part of the python documentation?
The only usecase for foldables that made sense is that since phones keep on getting bigger, so having a foldable phone would save some pocket space. However, I think phones stopped growing after 6" and foldable phones have been considerably more expensive. People are just more comfortable with a normal “slab” phone.
Game mode is way better than big picture because
🧑🚀 🔫 👨🚀
The Chromium base, which is what Steam is built upon, itself isn’t supported on Win 7,8. Can Valve work upon it to make it backwards compatible? Maybe. Will it be a pain in the ass to maintain? Absolutely.
Also, if you don’t want to upgrade to Win11, you can make a 2nd partition for Linux and enjoy your games.