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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 29th, 2023


  • allow me to sum up interpersonal relationships between all 8 billion people in one sentence:
    you can’t

    but, in a nutshell… physical attraction is usually important, so is romance… usually a commitment to this person in terms of time and future plans where they become more like family (and maybe eventually actually family if you have kids)

    there’s such a crazy spectrum of the ways in which people could get along and consider themselves “in a relationship”.
    every rule or tendency is constantly broken, it escapes definition.
    in general, it begins with attraction and flirting, or it’s cemented as a friendship…
    and, poetically, i’d say it’s a relationship when they start to see themselves as an entity, and of course others will see them like that too… a sort of hive-mind develops…
    sorta like when celebrity couples get a combo nickname…

  • last time i took a shower at a homeless shelter:
    you have to hand all your stuff to a guy at a window, he puts it in a bag, then you go to a medium sized room with several shower heads spraying towards the middle…
    so you don’t just get your shower, you get the water bouncing off a dozen naked homeless guys…
    the water is a tepid, narrow, painful jet…
    i caught scabies and athletes foot…

    i’ve taken one other one at a shelter in another city and state and it was identical…

    gym is way better, otherwise i’d rather take a bird bath in a random bathroom sink…

  • telomeres are cells’ biological clock… they get shorter with each division, and is the general cause of your body breaking down, round the 80’s.
    telomerase and other chemicals can reset those telomeres, but also cause the body’s existing precancerous cells to go malignant. (telomeres also limit cancer cell growth, and creating telomerase is one of the mutations required for full on cancer)
    so, if we can regrow cells telomeres without causing cancer… we have a youth serum.
    but there’s already other telomerase gene therapy in development anyways…