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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Third world actually came from the cold war. There were the two major sides, but then there was a whole bunch of countries that weren’t really on either side. A whole “third world”. Of course, a lot of those countries were poor, so the term came to be associated with that, but there really isn’t a coherent definition of what it means to be a third world county. It has never really been about the standard of living for the average citizen though. More about whether a country is a bully or the bullied on the international stage, and we all know where the US falls on that spectrum.

  • I know ad rates and metrics are heavily based around click through, but does it even actually matter? I mean, TV ads are big money expensive, and nobody has ever clicked on those. I guess if you’re advertising a shitty mobile game or something then it matters, but does McDonalds or whatever even want you to buy a hamburger before you watch a YouTube video? That doesn’t really make a lot of sense.

  • This just fundamentally doesn’t understand what artificial general intelligence means. It’s not a fancy way of saying “human but smarter”. That’s just wrong. It’s an artificial intelligence that’s good at a lot of different things. You know. General. Someday, if we live long enough, we will create an AI capable of figuring things out that it wasn’t designed for and we didn’t teach it. Maybe that will be tomorrow. Maybe it’s still centuries away. It’s actually really hard to figure out how long it will take us. Making a really good text generation algorithm doesn’t make the concept of learning more than one thing obsolete though. And predicting what text goes in a bar exam after being given a massive sample of bar exams isn’t the same thing as learning to be a lawyer.

    Tech bros with more money than sense suing each other over terms they don’t understand is not a rational system to base research off of, and we should ignore them.