In an interview with NBC News, Hossein Amirabdollahian refused to acknowledge that Israel was behind the recent attack on his country.

Iran’s foreign minister on Friday refused to acknowledge that Israel was behind the recent attack on his country and described the weapons that were used as more like children’s toys.

“What happened last night was not a strike,” the foreign minister, Hossein Amirabdollahian, said in an interview with NBC News’ Tom Llamas. “They were more like toys that our children play with  not drones.”

Amirabdollahian, who spoke to NBC News in New York where he was attending a U.N. Security Council session, said Iran was not planning to respond unless Israel launches a significant attack.

“As long as there is no new adventurism by Israel against our interests, then we are not going to have any new reactions,” he said.

    6 months ago

    My very first question to you; where are all your sources of those claims you make?

    Israel is only a threat to those who attack it, and Palestinian Arab nationalists have been trying to murder Jews for the last hundred years for merely existing in the Levant and legally buying land there. Were it not for this, a one-state solution would have been workable, borders would have never been drawn by the UN, and Israel never would have formed as it did, in mutual self-defense.

    Who started to kill the Jews back in WW2? It was not the Arab countries but Nazi-Germany, an European country. Back in WW2, The Palestinian people openly accepted the Jewish people to live among them and somewhere along the way Britain thought it do be a good idea to give away the land to them.

    The Arabs (especially Palestinian people) are being violent because Israel violently stole their land. An occupier cannot become its owner. It’s a mere fact if Israel did not do all the atrocities from 1948 up until now (ongoing) – Hamas would not have existed.

    No doubt many atrocities occurred during the nakba, there were Jewish terrorist groups who drove out peaceful villages, while this does not justify them, let us not forget they were formed in response to slaughters of Jews. Violence causes violence. Some people will do terrible things for safety. Many of the Arabs who left did so in order to fight against Israel. Those who stayed and were not driven out are now faring relatively well. Better than many of their Arab neighbors under their own leadership.

    You keep specifying ‘’Jews’’ as if that was the only reason the Palestinian people were fighting back. No, it never mattered that these people were Jews. It was because the Palestinian people were brutally murdered and driven out of their own homeland. So again, stop pretending as if this is because of them being Jewish.

    ‘’Those who stayed and were not driven out are now faring relatively well’’ – Another ignorant statement. The Palestinian people have a horrible life in the occupied places. Apartheid regime, two different laws. One for Israeli, one for Palestinians and the worst one is for the Palestinian. Palestinians get provoked, beat up and unfair sent to prison.

    I believe Israel should exist right where it does because it’s the only home the people who live there know. I guess that means I am a Zionist because I oppose genocide via destruction of Israel and think it’s a bad idea to let the people who have been trying to murder them for 100 years elect their leaders.

    Since you are currently speaking personally, so will I. Yes, I do believe you a Zionist and you do not care about the Palestinian lives.

    Israel can exist but not where they are now and the way they made the state. They made the state buy driving away native people, murdering thousands along the way and now pretend as if they (Israel) themselves are the victims. They themselves (Israel) created this whole mess in the first place.

    ‘’Oppose genocide’’? What’s that suppose to mean? You are okay with Israel committing genocide on the Palestinian people but when Hamas, a group literally a creation of Israel actions – that fight to get their homeland back – then you’re suddenly ‘’against genocide’’? Such a joke. Not only that, Hamas is not the one committing genocide, it is Israel who is.

    Being a good neighbor does not mean you don’t defend yourself when attacked, nor does it mean yielding to the United States necessarily. In this context, it means that unlike Iran, Israel isn’t a threat to worldwide peace and stability, does not represent islamist conquest, does not fund terror groups worldwide and is not trying to undo the enlightenment. Israel is a modern Western country that just wants safety for its people. Leave them alone and they will leave you alone.

    Keep pretending as if Israel is the victim. Israel is basically a threat to the whole world, this whole 6 months – proves they do not care about what happens to any country except themselves. They do not care about international laws. They are a risk for the world, since they are willing to draw in other countries into this mess.

    You also keep pretending as if this is a Jews vs Islam thing. Which it is not. This is about Israel thinking they are the ‘’superior’’ race than Palestinians, purposefully murdering innocent civilians (committing genocide) and stealing land (ethnic cleansing).

    Collateral damage happens in war, and those figures are from Hamas and are not credible. Recent analysis of them indicates they are probably doctored.

    This is not ‘’collateral damage’’. Collateral damage means it’s accidental but what Israel does is on purpose. You claim Hamas words are not trustable but, I bet it when Israel gives its numbers – You immediately trust them. While it has been proven Israel is the one continuously lying to the entire world.

    Genocide requires an intent to destroy, and Israel has been clear they intend to destroy Hamas not Palestine/ Palestinians. Collateral damage is not genocide.

    From all my sources above, we can conclude; Israel intends to destroy all of the Palestinian people.

    It’s unsurprising that there is public animosity against Palestinians, given the violence they have been inflicting upon Israel for the last century. It’s terrible that some Israelis might call them rats and other dehumanizing names, but using that to vilify Israel as a whole seems inappropriate, I’m sure Palestinians also dehumanize Israelis but that’s not really relevant to this discussion or a valid cause for national violence.

    I think, you have been watching the wrong news. The folk are all against Israel at the moment except Zionists. Presidents are the one who are helping Israel. It is unsurprising that there’s so much hatred towards the Israeli state – given they have been murdering, humiliating and provoking Palestinian people since 1948.

    Some right-wing politicians in Israel have said some pretty horrible things, even called for war crimes, but they do not represent Israel as a whole, nor are they directing the war. Meanwhile, Hamas has been pretty unambiguously calling for genocide against Israel and Jews even in their own charter. October 7th itself was an act of genocide. I support Israel because I oppose genocide.

    Israel has been literally murdering Palestinians people since 1948, what do you expect Palestinians to do? Sit, wait and die? The act of October happens when you do all the atrocities for 7 decades.

    Stop pretending as if Israel is the victim. 1948 up until 2024 (ongoing) – they have been doing the most inhuman things to Palestinian people. Of course at some point, people will fight back.

    Who’s the terrorist here? Hamas. Obviously.

    I cannot take you seriously anymore. You have proven, you are an Zionist and dismiss the lives of the Palestinian people. Thank you for showing the world what kind of human being you are. All the atrocities Israel has done since 1948 and you are saying this.

    This is my last comment to you since, I now know – I’m dealing with a Zionist. Zionists are not worth my energy, time and effort. I will just block you, I do not want to see Zionists comments.