Friday Facts #373 - Factorio: Space Age | Factorio
www.factorio.comHello, long time no see!
Today we are going to talk about the expansion which is called Factorio: Space Age.
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What is Factorio: Space Age?kovarex
Factorio: Space Age continues the player's journey after launching rockets into space. Discover new worlds with unique challenges, exploit their novel resources for advanced technological gains, and manage your fleet of interplanetary space platforms.
Vanilla Factorio ends by launching the rocket into space, so I always expected it to be quite obvious what we are going to do next.
Honestly the space platform related gameplay was actually planned a very long time ago, and we had shown a little bit in FFF-74.
Definitely a day 1 purchase for me as well, no other game has the same amount of love and polish as Factorio does, both when it comes to the vanilla game and mods, and I know they will deliver a good experience with the DLC as well.
However, I am worried if it’s gonna be enough to stand out among other games in the genre. It has been many years since Factorio last got a substantial content update (maybe too many) and in the meantime we’ve got a lot of similarly-genred games like DSP or Satisfactory that have raised the bar in areas that Factorio lacked. I hope F:SA has enough meat on its bones to substantially change the core game rather than just more of what we’ve already played.