this is honestly a solid shower thought👍
must’ve had a great shower✨
Great except for my shampoo irritating the paper cut on my finger 😄
I can see where your thought came from😄
hope it heals quickly!
People will start cutting themselves on razorthin smartphones instead.
“I got a razorthinsmartphonecut at the office today” sounds a bit funny
I got a paper cut from grabbing a cornstalk this week.
well what about when society goes fully cornless ?
That’s a cornstalk cut, duh
Oh there’s plenty of paper and non-paper out there to do the same damage. Ever cut yourself on cardboard? How about those plastic straps they put around heavy boxes and packages? Or my personal favorite, splinters and burrs. Glass, rock, metal, sheets of plastic - anything thin will do if you hit it at just the right angle. It’s a tossup as to which bonus location is worse, under the fingernail or across the finger webbing. Or if you’re REALLY unlucky, the eye. a scratched cornea is no joke. Wear your safety glasses kids.
Don’t worry. There are still box cutter cuts.
I had to send mail to the government recently and got a freaking paper cut on my tongue as I licked the envelope glue to seal it. 😬
Use a damp sponge next time, unless you write a letter to your lover in the dragon realm. That one should contain your saliva.
unless you write a letter to your lover in the dragon realm
Tell me more! How does one acquire a lover in the dragon realm?
Most use a dating app named Cinder
I’d personally recommend Spire