I dunno if it would be classed as obscure any more seen as it now has over 2m plays, but when I first heard it 4 years ago it was for sure obscure.
Been following this band for a while now and every now and again they release a banger.
They never draw huge numbers which doesn’t make sense to me given their songs.
Yine, by Kurban (Turkish band) https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=edxm5-boYGA&pp=ygULeWluZSBrdXJiYW4%3D
Hell yeah, can’t go wrong with hard rock.
I have a number of songs on my playlists in different languages that i dont unserstand and it’s interesting how it shifts the focus away from lyrics and toward the interaction between the vocals and the instruments. The voice is another instrument, after all.
The President Called all the Artists by Micah Sommersmith