I keep seeing people comment that Lemmy is mostly men in their 20s and 30s. That’s not my demo and many of the posts/comments i see don’t seem to fit that.

  • Candelestine@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Don’t forget that 98% of 14 year olds will not pipe up and go “Yeeeaahh! I’m just 14 in here!” This data has always been impossible to gather, as you simply cannot gather it objectively, it’s currently impossible at the technical level.

    Throughout my teen years, whenever I had to submit real info for something, my name was Bob Barker and I just made up everything else on the spot. The computer had no way to verify if I am being honest, and I knew that.

    And on that note, I am a snotty-nosed 14 year old.