See title
What rock group has four guys who don’t sing?
Click for answer
Mount Rushmore.
Everyone knows the hardest riddle of all time:
“What’s in my pocket?”
You even get to keep a gold ring if you use that one!
Devinettes app has about 3 or 4 riddles that I haven’t been able to crack in 8 years.
It gives no answers or hints, just reports ‘correct’ if you type the right answer in.
I think if I tried that, it would only be a day or two before I went digging into the source code.
I think they are hashed
So due to the nature of it beeing riddles it is quite possible the answer is bugged and the hash wrong. But because nobody “knows” they have the solution nobody can say it is a bug.
What has four wheels and flies?
Blaine is a pain.