I’ll go first. Mine is that I can’t stand the Deadpool movies. They are self aware and self referential to an obnoxious degree. It’s like being continually reminded that I am in a movie. I swear the success of that movie has directly lead to every blockbuster having to have a joke every 30 seconds

  • CaptnNMorgan@reddthat.com
    10 months ago

    Nice! I don’t disagree with most of what you said about the story except for not liking it. I really enjoy the fast paced action. I also don’t mind the story taking a back seat when the action is done as well as it is in that movie.

    It’s been a few years since I’ve watched it (maybe before COVID) but to from memory I didn’t think they became best friends right away. They were trying to kill each other and the only reason why they stopped was because they were basically on equal playing fields and if they continued fighting the hoard would catch up to them without either of them escaping. They already had a common enemy, the only reason they were fighting was because Max wanted to GTFO and leave them, while Furiosa was trying to protect her homies. Once Max figured out he wouldn’t be able to drive the truck anyway and Furiosa realized Max won’t try to hurt her friends is when they started opening up more. For me, that’s plenty.

    Another story centric scene I liked a lot was when they ran into the old women from Furiosa’s tribe. I forget it’s people acting in that scene, the pain and longing in Furiosa’s eyes is so tangible and realistic. Plus “badass old ladies” is such an awesome device and I think they did a really good job at executing that.

    Thanks for coming back with a well thought out opinion. Like I said earlier, you’re the first person I’ve seen dislike it, but everything you said makes complete sense. I think it’s just a matter of taste and what we grew up watching. I also haven’t watched the mad max movies with Mel Gibson, I tried watching the first one after I saw fury road and I don’t think I got 20 minutes in. It didn’t even feel apocalyptic at all, like weren’t there cops😂? I’m sure it’s great but I was expecting 80s style “war boys” and something fast paced like fury road. I might go back and try again because I just realized maybe it shows the world fall apart and I am interested in seeing that. I just thought it would already be post apocalyptic and it just seemed like 80s Australia to me, my favorite thing about fury road is the world around him being so goddamn interesting and unique, never saw anything like it when it came out. And haven’t seen anyone do it better so far.

    What is your favorite mad max movie?