• Daft_ish@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    The_donald was the only lesson I needed to learn what conservatives thought of free speech.

    It would be interesting to know what conservatives actually believe. By this point we’ve broken down each and everyone of their professed beliefs and found nothing of substance.

    Here is a list of things I remember conservatives use to say their ideology was based on:

    *Christian morals - You can even look back at their warped version of Christian morality from 1970s forward and still say today that Trump has fully exposed them to be baseless

    *Small government - Trump and Co are actively trying to expand government authority and have successfully taken away the rights of woman all over the US

    *Democracy - Trump told democracy to go fuck itself Jan. 6 2021

    *Capitalism - Capitilism for the serfs socialism for the capitilists

    *American Exceptionalism - At some point America was great but I’m not going to say when.

    *No Child Left Behind - jk jk we knew that was bullshit from the get go

    *Free speech - ahem I mean free ‘hate’ speech. all other speech is negotiable.

    The list goes on my dudes. Would love to know what these people really believe. My guess is nothing. They are just mad and acting out. We’ve all seen it growing up. The people who just refuse to help themselves no matter what you do and you’re constantly picking up the pieces for them.

    • CosmicTurtle@lemmy.world
      8 months ago

      “Conservatives don’t care about free speech. Conservatives cares about power. Faithfulness, old-time values, homemade bread, that’s the just means to the end. It’s a distraction. I thought you would have figured that out by now.”

      • slightly altered quote from Handmaid’s Tale
    • Gnome Kat@lemmy.blahaj.zone
      8 months ago

      Copied this from another post I made… things make more sense when you realize what their true core principle is.

      There is a good Adam Conover podcast episode where he interviews Corey Robin. In the episode Robin states the main premise of his book, which is that the central underlying ideology of the right is the belief that some people are better than others and deserve to be in power. A lot of the rights’ beliefs and ideas evolve over time but they evolve in service of that core idea. It’s the one thing that stays consistent over time going back to the french revolutions.

      Multiracial, multiethnic, international cooperation, helping the homeless, helping the poor. No matter how you spin it by trying to convince them of the benefits ect, the right will never be on board. They don’t believe those groups deserve help or should be helped. They fundamentally believe it is morally good to depower certain groups and empower other groups.

      That one idea explains so much of the rights blatant hypocrisy. Welfare disproportionality going to red states is good because it’s going to the good people. Rich people getting richer is good because it’s going to the good people. Hurting minorities is good because they are the bad people, helping them is bad. Some people are innately worthy and some people are not. Anything the good people do is good, anything the bad people do is bad. The same action can be good or bad depending on who is doing it.

    • 【J】【u】【s】【t】【Z】@lemmy.world
      8 months ago

      The Donald? Where you from you don’t know:

      • Hustler Magazine;
      • Mad Magazine;
      • Dungeons & Dragons;
      • Porn;
      • Mortal Combat for Sega.
      • The Simpsons;
      • Rap music;
      • South Park;
      • Kneel down during song;
      • Saying “gay.”

      I’m sure I’m forgetting twenty other things conservative literally tried to ban me from doing in my lifetime. Conservatives have zero credibility on free speech.

      In Russia it’s illegal to talk about it’s invasion of Ukraine. It’s called an anti-sedition law. Despite the First Amendment, anti sedition laws and seditious libel were illegal and punishable by long terms of imprisonment until lefty Supreme Court Justices decides so in 1964.

      These Justices on there now will flip us right back to prosecuting people for saying Israel is doing a genocide, or for saying “fuck the draft,” or for saying “fuck Donald Trump,” but not for saying “fuck Joe Biden.” Conservatives right now in America want laws that ban Americans from participating or even talking about “BDS.” Our Supreme Court in America just recently upheld such laws, without really reaching the issue, but keeping the laws alive. They also push ag-gag laws. They have zero credibility on free speech.

    • Hamartiogonic@sopuli.xyz
      8 months ago

      Care to elaborate that bit about capitalism?

      As a non-American, I’ve been struggling to understand how Americans use these terms. Sure, I’ve seen plenty of “capitalism good, socialism bad” rhetoric, but what do people actually mean when they use them? Your example was particularly interesting, because it sounds like you’re implying that Trump promised capitalism, but failed to deliver.