I have some friends that go to visit their friends in Mexico from the US very frequently. When they come back in town we meet up to eat. But the entire meal they talk about their experiences and friends there. Usually I only get a couple of words in and then it is back to their plans. I am trying to live in the present and enjoy my life experiences and my life here at home. But they never ask anything and although they are nice people, I feel exhausted and defeated after we get together. Is it time to limit my friendship with them?

  • agent_flounder@lemmy.world
    9 months ago

    They sound a bit self centered and oblivious if this is a regular pattern—sounds like it is.

    Friendships where you typically each talk approximately equally and typically come away feeling some combination of energized, happy, cared about, and inspired are the ones to keep and prioritize over the kind you describe.