The United Nations Security Council is likely to vote on Tuesday on an Algerian push for the 15-member body to demand an immediate humanitarian ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas war, said diplomats, a move the United States signaled it would veto.

“The United States does not support action on this draft resolution. Should it come up for a vote as drafted, it will not be adopted,” Thomas-Greenfield said in a statement on Saturday.

    8 months ago

    Just like in 1948 where the Palestinians lived in peace?

    • Israel stealing land since 1948.
    • Israel displacing 750 000 Palestinians in 1948.
    • Israel purposefully starving Palestinians.
    • Israel having Apartheid for decades upon decades.
    • The fact Hamas only exists due to Israel’s actions (1948 and Hamas made in 1987).
    • Israel Ethnic Cleansing.
    • Israel murdering more than 20 000 Palestinian people in the name of “self defense”.
    • Israel continuously lying about important things (example the calendar picture, claiming it was something important about Hamas but it was just an Arabic calendar and the 40 babies claim).
    • Israel saying they want to drop an atomic bomb on Gaza (normal civilians!!!)
    • Israel calling normal civilians “animals”

    Or do you call it peace when Israel do illegal settlements in the Westbank, prison Palestinians, Apartheid and ridicule Palestinians for no reasons.

    Stop pretending that it started on 7 oct. It never started at that date. It didn’t even start in 1948 but that’s the moment when Israel stole the majority of the land (the Nakba).

    EDIT: I don’t agree with what Hamas did but after being driven out their land, homes, ridiculed, murdered. Apartheid. It is understandable at one point some lose their sanity and will have only hatred in their hearts.

    Do realize they lost everything they ever cared for. Land stolen, homes stolen, families and friends murdered.