Enthusiastic sh.it.head

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023

  • Thing is, it’s not that uncommon to do this, and it’s not like the cashier is going to report you as suspicious to the relevant tax authority. Sometimes people don’t have the full value for groceries in their bank account, or are right at the tip of their credit limit - but do have cash on hand to cover the rest.

    The point is to have a paper trail/transaction history of lesser value for the tax man. Two transactions in one visit is just as valid as two different visits using different payment methods.

    Comes down to whether you feel awkward doing the first one I guess (cashiers generally won’t think twice about it, aside from maybe mild annoyance). It is a classic “Things aren’t going great for me rn” move - but who cares, you know the truth.

    (Ignore all of this and pay your taxes, people)

  • It is if you focus on the ultimate end state, which is a very serious net human good.

    But jesus, the path to making that happen can grind you down. Canyon-like process gaps in some areas, poor integration of the different business lines, every area has been short-staffed since the pandemic with no end in sight, taking on more work without an appropriate allocation of resources, etc.

    Have said “Fuck this, I quit” to myself more than once, only to come back because my memory of times where I was involved in something positively life changing for some random human in my country.

  • The good thing is, you’re most people - looking for all parties to have fun within the boundaries of safety and participant comfort. Topping is a huge responsibility, and you had the correct reaction.

    But just like in the everyday world, there are abusive people out there. Folks, particularly bottoms who are still fleshing out their boundaries, can be vulnerable to these people. My opinion is that situation can be made more complicated due to the taboo nature of the interaction and unique social norms that have a learning curve (ex: what happens if you’re newer, someone starts spewing ‘true dom/true sub’ crap early on, and that sets your expectations for BDSM?).

    Captain Lez is bang on when saying this is the value of a community for vetting and feedback re: what you’re doing. But again, like in everyday life, people can ingratiate themselves into that community as a means of cover.

    It really isn’t all that different from abusive relationships in every other context, just with an additional layer of sensation and social norms that can cloud judgement/mask the abuse.

    Will say OP made great points on misogyny in this world expressed in less aggressive ways, and heck, even this conversation underscores it. People like you and me jump right to guys in a dom role disregarding the boundaries of women in a sub role, for reasons of hating women. We’re not those people, most of the people we meet in this context aren’t those people, and the few we become aware of are usually blacklisted pretty quick, so we think misogyny is not a major problem in the community. The stated dynamics between some Doms and Dommes, and male bottoms to their Dommes, challenges that. I may not have come across it simply because I am a guy who doesn’t feel that way, my community is very much female-led, and everyone I met was pretty respectful/darned greatful a community existed at all, but I can definitely see it being a thing.

  • I’d put it this way: how much pressure do you personally feel to strike out on your own? I don’t mean how much pressure people might be putting on you - I mean how much of you wants to GTFO?

    I left home at 19, against my parent’s wishes - but that’s because I was going stark crazy at home, and needed to get out into the world and knocked around a bit. If you don’t feel that kind of pressure, and your family is amenable to the situation, then I wouldn’t worry about it. Make sure you’re not a burden by contributing and helping out where you can, but there’s no shame in living with your parents as an adult, particularly these days.

    Correction: There is no shame in living with your parents as an adult - emphasis on the adult part. You contribute what’s necessary, you take care of what you need to take care of, etc. There is shame in being an overgrown manchild, where mommy and daddy are the ones taking care of you (when that reasonably shouldn’t be the case - folks with disabilities, etc. don’t fall into this group). It sounds like you fall in the former category, so you’re good IMO.