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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: May 7th, 2024


  • 15,000 killed by Isreal. The other 21,000 are unaccounted for. Now I know you’re making the “joke” that if the 21,000 are “missing” that they must have been killed. And you’re probably not wrong to some extent. However, unaccounted for isn’t always the same as dead. If I were a kid in Palestine, and bombs started raining down, I’d get the fuck out too…and if my parents don’t know where I am, but I’m alive, then I can try to contact them later. Assuming of coarse that the parents are still alive.

    And sure, a portion, maybe even a large portion of those 21,000 actually are dead. We don’t KNOW that, but it is a reasonable guess. The hard part is figuring out just how many of the 21,000 are alive, and how many are dead.

    I say this because on 9/11, depending on which reports you base your knowledge on, somewhere between 3k-6k officially were declaired dead. Which is still a tragedy no matter what the numbers are. However on the day of the attacks, my local NBC news channel was saying the estimated deaths were close to 60,000 for the two towers, as that’s how many people had gone missing.

    Well…turns out a large portion of that 60k made a decision in the moment that survival was more important than logistics and numbers. Get out while you can, stay alive, and contact people later when it’s safe. That’s what they did on 9/11, and I assume some portion of those kids are doing the same now in Palestine.

    So let’s not take a situation which is already a tragedy, with no end in sight, and claim it to be the absolute worst case scenario it can be, when in reality, it’s probably less than that. We just don’t know by how much yet, and may not for years.

  • I don’t know what flatpack is…so I assume before that? Last time I intensely tried to get into it, was about 4 years ago. I tried not so intensely last year to turn my raspberry pi’s fan on. It is off, I want it on. Instead of a physical switch I could just flick, they decided to get fancy with it, and require terminal to turn it on. It USED TO work, but in order to fix an unrelated problem, I updated the system, and that broke everything. Now when you try to run the command it gives an error.

    And the difference between Windows having an error, and Linux having an error, is if I have a problem on windows, I can type “Windows 7, (problem here), reddit”. It will give me a detailed set of instructions that tell me what to do. But with linux, I can find a set of instructions on how to fix the problem, and it always goes “first update everything. Now, do these commands in terminal.” The only problem is, linux is so fractured into so many different layouts and structures, and the help guides always assume your system is the exact same as their system, that you end up getting an error code. Now if you know linux, you know what commands to do to change/fix things. If you’re like me, you see some bullshit like “partician not registried”, and you have no idea what to do with that. So you google it, find 15 different answers. And with each one you try, you just make things worse and worse.

    The difference between niave and stupid is that niave people haven’t been taught things. Stupid people can’t learn things. I’m linux stupid, and I would say the vast majority of people are linux stupid. However, despite how fractured Android is, I would say most people are either Android smart, or Android niave. With the difference being if they’ve ever used Android. I’ve never seen someone use Android for a day, and say “I can’t figure out how to set the video driver above 320x240p”. Or figure out why there’s no sound. Or figure out why the whole screen is tinted blue. Or why they can’t turn a fan on.

    Linux users have this belief that “oh, everything is easy for me, so it must be easy for everyone”. What they don’t realize is how hard it is to get help running linux. Imagine a blind guy going to a french guys house, and asking where they keep their screwdriver. There’s no standard place. Mine is in my silverware drawer behind the hammer. But if I speak french, and you do not, if you’re blind how would you ever even know where my silverware drawer is, in a house you’ve never been? How would you even ask for help?

    That’s the linux experience for me. Nothing works. I can’t fix anything. And the attempts at help I get just make things worse, because they expect my system to be like their system. And it’s not.

  • You seem to be implying that most people CAN learn linux. I’ve tried for 10 years now, on 4 different ossasions.

    I don’t get it. I WANT TO get it…I don’t get it. But I also don’t want Windows 8, Windows 10, or Windows 11 especially.

    …so I just stay on Windows 7.

    And before anyone gives me flack about security, I’m not even 100% sure my firewall is on. I tinkered with it about 8 years ago, I don’t remember if I turned it back on, or left it off.

    I THINK I might have AVG free anti-virus, from like 10 years ago…I honestly can’t tell you the last time I ran it.

    People won’t switch to linux until the Android of PC distros comes out. The one that you can install programs by downloading a file. If thats .apk, fine. If it’s .exe, fine. Just as long as the process goes “go to website, download file, double click file, get gui for installation process…terminal? What’s terminal? Oh no, are you sick?”

    Now on android, you CAN still use terminal, but I would guess that less than 1% of its userbase knows what that is.

    Since a corporation wrote the first version of Android, and since Linux is something like 40 years old…but has never even attempted this approach on pc, I’m left to believe that the people who write these distros for free are actively against the idea of linux being adopted by the masses.

    So no…people won’t “learn it now, or learn it next year”. They’ll just suffer through whatever bullshit microsoft says. And thats going to affect the world. Because now microsoft will have a worldwide network of spying on EVERYONE. (Except those on mac or linux, which is like 15% of the pc market)

  • …man, I always hate when comments are removed by mods. I always assume it was the worst, like a nazi trying to build up hate and promoting using atom bombs or something.

    And then sometimes I find out it’s something mundane.

    I want to know what he said, so I can eat popcorn, and watch the drama…but it’s probably too tame to warrent popcorn.

    I guess what I’m saying is, why don’t we make a popcorn community, so you guys can share your popcorn reciepes…and if you want to share juicy gossip about that bitch at work from HR, so be it…