We’ll just all assume that every person who gets this would make themselves early twenties with flawless skin, perfect organs, appendages and functionality, and no excess weight.
My question is, would you change yourself from your genetic baseline, and if so, how?
I mean, is this easily repeatable? I can think of lots of things I would try out, but a much smaller number of viable options if it was a once in a lifetime thing.
When I was considering this concept as part of a story I was working on I did consider the possibility that people would start out with having their ideal body but undoubtedly there would quickly grow a subculture of people who go for increasingly wild and interesting alterations, assuming that there are no side effects.
So in my story world, I came up with the idea that you would be molecularly unstable for several years after a change and therefore not eligible to change yourself more than once every 7 years.