I’ll start. Teenage me driving up the street to hang out with friends at the mall and passed my younger neighbor and his mom. When I got back a couple hours later, the neighbor’s mom was livid - confronting me for the slight. I seriously had no idea wtf she was talking about and I couldn’t convince her otherwise.

  • spacebirb@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    I had a “gf” in grade 6 break up with me because she claimed to have seen me in a porno. I didn’t even know how to respond

    • slazer2au@lemmy.world
      11 months ago

      Wait, grade 6 is like 11-12 years old right? I’d say that both being in or watching porn at that age is a concern.

      • Lifecoach5000@lemmy.worldOP
        11 months ago

        Surely this poster is from somewhere else where that grade is much older right?? 🤞

      • Signtist@lemm.ee
        10 months ago

        Nah, sounds about right, at least for kids who had the Internet at 6th grade. For me it was back in the dialup days, but still, once I accidentally stumbled onto CumFiesta - which I thought was pronounced “coom fiesta,” since I’d never heard the word cum - I spent every morning of summer vacation on the Internet staring at naked women for a reason I didn’t understand, making sure to get offline by 11 so I didn’t tie up the phone lines for my parents when they’d call to check in on their lunch breaks.

  • AlolanYoda@mander.xyz
    11 months ago

    More recent than the other posters here.

    I had a job interview for a huge company that I was super excited about. I had applied to an entry-level job position, and they even contacted me and told me that my profile would match a non-entry position more closely, so my process was transferred. I was nervous, but excited!

    The interview was remote, which was not usual (this was pre-pandemic! Around 2018 I believe). Once they arrived, I was surprised that they didn’t want cameras on; it was a fully audio-based interview. Whatever, I thought, I’ll just do the interview anyway.

    It didn’t go very well, as I was just a silly kid straight out of university with no interviewing experience, but I thought it wasn’t catastrophic or anything. I still do. They asked me a couple of questions about my industry that I had no idea about unfortunately. I still tried to answer as best as I could, but I could tell my answers were not the ones they wanted. The dude was nice anyway and told me “that’s OK” whenever I didn’t know an answer.

    A couple of days after the interview, I get a call from a very nice HR lady and she said “unfortunately you were not selected for this position, but feel free to apply for other positions in our company!”. I was a bit sad but wanted to make use of this as a learning experience, so I asked “do you have information as to why I was not selected?” or something to that effect.

    She said: "let me see… It says here they were not looking for someone with your profile…

    … Oh! Also, you were googling the answers to questions you didn’t know, as we heard you typing"

    This broke me. I had done no such thing! I started trying to tell her that was not true (and that if it were, I would have gotten the answers right!). But I quickly realized that it was a losing battle. They had made their decision, and I was just wasting their time. If only they had turned on the camera I could have evidence that was not true. But I decided not to further sully my reputation and just said “Thank you for your time, I hope to talk to you again”.

    Since I did not get that job, I applied to and was accepted into a PhD programme so I guess that was a pretty important moment in my life. I am about to finish my PhD and that company is one of my options afterward, so I sometimes wonder if they still have that lie on file.

    • AlolanYoda@mander.xyz
      10 months ago

      TL;DR: I got a remote job interview, they refused to turn on the camera, then told me after the interview that I was googling the answers to questions I didn’t know, which I wasn’t. But without a camera I had no way of proving it.

      • AlolanYoda@mander.xyz
        10 months ago

        Nope, sorry! I may delete this soon but it was [redacted lol].

        Why? Is this common in Bank of America?

        • sar1n@infosec.pub
          10 months ago

          It was around that time frame, not sure if it’s gotten any better though!

  • redimk@lemmy.dbzer0.com
    10 months ago

    Ahh, I have one story. It’s also kind of my own personal tin-foil-hat conspiracy.

    I was living in a place where you could rent, but it was also a hotel. It had a Rent-a-Car inside, and I was working there. It was exceptional because I was 2 floors away from my job, so no need for commuting.

    Ultimately, and to make this long story short, I decided to leave the company (it was a small company, just my boss, his wife ane me), because one week I started to get paid less than what I was working, they probably thought I wouldn’t notice.

    I immediately started looking for another job, and funnily enough, the hotel - where I lived - was hiring. They basically accepted me after the first interview, I told my boss’ wife that I was leaving the company for the hotel so I gave my two weeks notice.

    Next day, I am driving through the highway with my boss to pick up a customer when he starts SCREAMING at me about going to work for the hotel instead of him. One thing stood out from what he screamed at me:

    “I will make sure that you don’t get that job, or other jobs in the future, and you will never get this job back either, how are you going to live like that now? You just fucked up” - He said

    Now this is the conspiracy/accusation part:

    The hotel needed to do a drug test (they did that to everyone). The day of the drug test, I go to the place, do whatever I had to do, and they just told me to wait for an answer.

    2 weeks goe by - no response. I call and ask, they say they “lost” my tests. Strange, but ok. I went to do another one.

    2 days after the second one, they call me and tell me that the test was positive for weed. Now I’m not going to be a hypocrite and say I’ve never done weed. I have arthritis, so weed is something I sometimes need to handle tha pain and stress, but at that time I was clean for about 5-6 months.

    However, I told them that it’s impossible, that I’ve never done weed, that I didn’t even have money to buy weed. They straight up tell me they don’t care and hang up.

    Exactly 20-30 minutes later, my former (rent a car company) boss -who I hadn’t spoken to for more than a month- calls me, he doesn’t even ask me how I am or anything, he just goes straight for “where you accepted for the job? How did the drug test go?”

    Now, call me crazy but…

    1. I didn’t tell him I was doing a drug test, and if the hotel had told him, they still woul’t have known when I did the drug test.
    2. How did he manage to call me exactly the day I got the results, almost at the same time?
    3. I called the hotel after that call and they told me that they hadn’t even received a call from the drug test place to tell them that it has been positive. That basically I was the one notifying them. However, they said that since it was positive, I couldn’t get the job regardless, no exception.

    At the end, I figured I was fighting a losing battle and searched for other jobs. 2 weeks later COVID-19 hit and the rent-a-car had to close, so that was good news for me.

    • _danny@lemmy.world
      10 months ago

      Sounds sketchy for sure. But some follicle tests for weed can go back up to a year, you could have actually tested positive. The conspiracy part comes back in because usually they only test for 2-3 months unless a different time frame is requested.

      Your boss could have had a connection at the hotel, and convinced them to get a test for a longer time frame. Most believable answer to me at least. Especially if he knew you smoked or smelled it on you.

  • m0darn@lemmy.ca
    11 months ago

    When I was 13 walking home from school the day after a snow day I was berated by a driver that accused me of throwing a snowball at his car. I had done no such thing (that day). I mean message received, I don’t think I’ve thrown a snowball at a car since, but it wasn’t me. A few years later I realized it was probably nick.

  • Ejh3k@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    Back in the day, I was stationed in South Korea when I was 18/19 years old. While it was legal for Koreans to drink by 18, US soldiers were expected to wait until they were 21. Soldiers 21 and over got ration cards in order to buy alcohol from the post’s shoppettes. I was never 21 in Korea, so I never got one.

    One day the Criminal Investigation Division shows up and starts asking around about me. Sure I guess I was technically drinking underage on base, but I was legal once I left. And I hadn’t done anything else shady or dodgy, so I was getting a little concerned.

    Turned out, I was being accused of buying liquor on base for cheap and then selling it to Koreans for profit because a bottle of real Jack Daniels was like $200 whereas I could have bought it for $20.

    I told them that I couldn’t have bought it because I don’t have a ration card for alcohol. They didn’t believe me, but somehow it got cleared up down the road because I never heard another word about it. And I doubt it was mistaken identity because my height kinda precludes me from being misidentified, and the only other guy on the base that looked even remotely like me never got in trouble either and he was never questioned in the first place.

  • Call me Lenny/Leni@lemm.ee
    10 months ago

    I don’t even know where to start with this, it’s happened so many times. Although I’m sure everyone has at some point in their lives. I mean the whole point of being framed is you can’t prove your innocence. I will say though, it feels even worse when there actually has been proof of my innocence but the people who want to say I did something had such strong willpower that they were able to ignore the proof on a collective level and continue to accuse me of the thing I just proved my innocence about.

  • CookieMonsterDebate@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    My bf is convinced I have/had feelings for some other guys. Keeps pressing the issue and “Why can’t you just admit it?”. I can’t admit something that isn’t true…

    • shasta@lemm.ee
      10 months ago

      Sorry to say that this behavior is usually projection. He may have feelings for some of your friends and feels guilty about it, and wants to know if you feel the same way so he doesn’t feel as bad. In his defense, he may not even realize he’s doing this. Worst case, he may be cheating already. Either way, it’s toxic behavior and I just wanted to make you aware that it’s something you should discuss and work through before it becomes a bigger problem.

      • CookieMonsterDebate@lemmy.world
        10 months ago

        Yeah I don’t think he is projecting in that sense, but I do believe he has really bad abandonment issues, that is making him “see” things that aren’t the case, maybe to have a reason to push me away before I hurt him, too… I’m not sure what to do, he’s so convinced that I’ve betrayed him already, and even if the offense is not real, the pain clearly is, and I’m not sure there is anything I can do to reassure him. It’s so painful to watch (beyond the hurtful accusations…)…

        I appreciate you looking out for me, friend!

        • shasta@lemm.ee
          10 months ago

          Sorry to hear that. I know what that’s like. The best you can do is keep up the reassurances and hope he can make it through this rough time. Encourage him to go to therapy and maybe get medication. In the end, change is up to him. Good luck.

          • intensely_human@lemm.ee
            10 months ago

            When a woman tells her man he is the only person she’s attracted to it’s the opposite of reassuring.

            This is reassuring: “Yes I find him attractive but I’m committed to you.”

            This is definitely not reassuring: “No you’re the only man in existence I find attractive”

  • popemichael@lemmy.sdf.org
    10 months ago

    I have a really good memory. I can recall whole conversations from 10 years ago.

    Its so frustrating when people say one thing but do another. They love claiming that I’m making stuff up and “I didn’t say that”

    I learned to record every important conversation years ago…

    Though they still say that I faked the recordings, etc if something comes up.

    • Ilikepornaddict@lemmynsfw.com
      10 months ago

      I think you need to learn more about how memory works. Unless you actually have a photographic memory (which is incredibly rare), you do not remember everything perfectly.

      A lot people have difficulty accepting this though, so you’re not alone.