i haven’t used an IDE in years but when I did I switched to notepads because every IDE i used was bloated and slow. is this not still the case? frankly VS Code is rapidly approaching the point where it’s just as bloated and slow as I remember those IDEs being so i’m not exactly trying to come to its defense here.
Whenever I work on bigger projects, I use JetBrains IDEs, when I just want to edit a single file I use KWrite. VSCode barely has any use to me anymore (especially due to its lack of proper auto-completion compared to JetBrains) except for html/react projects.
To be fair so did VSCode. It took years to get it under control and even then it’s nowhere near as light as a native IDE.
i haven’t used an IDE in years but when I did I switched to notepads because every IDE i used was bloated and slow. is this not still the case? frankly VS Code is rapidly approaching the point where it’s just as bloated and slow as I remember those IDEs being so i’m not exactly trying to come to its defense here.
Whenever I work on bigger projects, I use JetBrains IDEs, when I just want to edit a single file I use KWrite. VSCode barely has any use to me anymore (especially due to its lack of proper auto-completion compared to JetBrains) except for html/react projects.
Code lives and dies by its plugins. It can range from heavier weight ide to lighter weight editor depending on what plug ins are loaded.
I think most of VSCode performance improvements just stem from newer CPUs being faster.
It definitely improved over the years but even at the time code was leaps and bounds ahead.